Theresa on one of our Live Q & A calls for the 10k in 30 day bootcamp celebrated a $6000 dollar mindset shift.

I was too curious I HAD TO ASK… “Theresa last week you were struggling with sales calls feeling like you had BLOWN your calls - what changed this week?”

She told me “Vanessa it was just as you suggested - I reminded myself that I had ALL the tools I needed - that I had this handled and sure enough the client paid in full $6000 with absolutely zero objections!! It was amazing!”

Amazing is RIGHT!

Imagine how that would FEEL if you embodied the CONFIDENCE to enroll $6000 clients?

Imagine if you got CRYSTAL clear on the thoughts and IDEAS that were sabotaging your success and you were IMMEDIATELY able to change them into SUPPORTIVE having NOW thoughts and beliefs that MANIFESTED into cold hard CASH in as little as a week?!!!

I know I know I talk a lot about MONEY. 

What you need to understand is that the MONEY can not come into your experience UNTIL you get the recipe for how to UNLOCK the power of your mind - where ALL of the MONEY stuff lives.

You can turn that MIND stuff into just about anything… love, an experience of fulfillment, a trip, a car, a house but most people manifest the MONEY so that they can BUY the experiences they want.

You see most coaches are running around freaked out beating themselves up because they don't have the money yet or the clients yet or even the high end program put together yet so they don't feel CERTAINTY on how to roll out their offers.

It’s like the domino's effect.

Everything is connected.

We help you sort ALL of that out here in our 12 week bootcamp which is THE BEST program for spiritual women business owners who are READY to kick their wealth set point into hyper drive!

Once you fix the ROOT cause and become AWARE of exactly what thoughts and beliefs are sabotaging you it’s EASY to install something completely the OPPOSITE. 

That’s what we teach all our clients in the Radical Honesty - Radical Responsibility - Radical Self Love process - a simple run of questions to uncover your limiting beliefs in matter of minutes!

I tell you what - I WISH someone would have shown me this recipe YEARS ago I would have become a millionaire a LOT sooner, helped a lot more people quicker, attracted my amazing loving husband a LOT earlier and enjoyed more JOY, peace and ease instead of the stress, overwork and struggle programs that were running me from my past.

That’s WHY I’m so passionate about empowering women with these proven techniques and processes!!!

One shift can result in a $6000 result!!!

One little shift!

If you’re FINALLY ready to kick your stinking limitations to the curb and skyrocket your confidence and cash flow then JOIN us in this empowering community of spiritual women - a SAFE space when women can DO their inner healing work AND Take their POWER BACK NOW FROM all the mindset gremlins, the fear and sabotage and get into action with a CLEAR PLAN to generate 10k in the next 30 days… or more. 

What you believe is what you create. 

We have the BEST recipe for spiritual women who are feeling called to be empowerment leaders and profitable coaches.

Find out for yourself WHY HUNDREDS of women are RAVING about our bootcamp and say its THE BEST decision they’ve ever made.

Don’t Wait APPLY here >


