Celebration time!
Good grateful morning beautiful souls!
Ta daaaaa! It’s a beautiful morning! Cool. Cloudy. And? Full of life. Grateful to get another day to play the game
”Plot twists and More”
( otherwise known as life )
It still blows my mind that 47 years has come and gone. Today? !
I have had some good times, terrible times, unexpected events that hurt pretty badly, and strangely? Unexpected events that were absolutely amazing!!
I have surfed this planet with highs and swam in the lows. I’ve cried and sang! I have traveled and yet it isn’t enough! I totally want more to explore. I have met some amazing people and some genuine selfish, abusive, assholes.
I’ve witnessed tragedy and births. I’ve lived in best places and have lived homeless. I’ve made a lot of money and I’ve barely made any. I have had amazing lovers, great chocolate, read amazing books, attended beautiful art shows, listened to some awesome bands, and drank some amazing wines. I have seen sunsets in most of this continent as well as part of Europe. Ive toured the Caribbean and jet skied in St Martin while pregnant!
I’ve kayaked in the Ardennes and hiked most of the Appalachia. I’ve attended amazing Pow Wows, visited amazing spiritual teachers, and?
I have lived as much of my 47 years as possible! I have missed opportunities AND made a shit ton of mistakes. Boy? Life is a mini series of plot twists and more!
My point?
I guess if I were asked what means the most to me at this point? Is that I am alive! And through it all? I really try to live the best life I can no matter what my circumstances are at that moment.
Yeah, times are really tough right now but can it be forever like this? Nope. At least out of the years I’ve already gotten through? It would seem like a no is the right answer.
You guys!!
I love my radio show and I love connecting with all of you. I don’t make any money doing what I love and maybe that’s what I need to focus on. BUT I’ve been able to learn so much about the world through interviews and man! I get excited. Like really, really excited!!
It’s my love….sharing folks with you.
My true love is understanding what makes people get back up a thousand times even when your mind tells you it’s over. I guess? Looking back? I’m not really sure why I got up a thousand times especially when there was no light at the end. At least not one I could see.
So? Happy freaking birthday to me! I got some skin in this game called life and frankly? I wear my lessons like trophies. My wrinkles, my extra 50 lbs, my aches, pains are all the bi product of living fully this far. Yeah? My scars are what keep me stitched together and my Lawd doesn’t humor make the pain go away faster?!?!?
Look? If I’ve learned anything it’s that you have to bend your knees and with grace. Expect plot twists, be ready to change direction and quickly!
AND that life is really fucking messy.
So? Don’t freak out about stupid things. Let that inner Karen go. Wake up late. Drive slow. Eat the cake and so what about the extra 40 lbs? Yes, “Jack the Pumpkin king” is a beautiful creation BUT in real life? Who wants to snuggle with bones?
Live! Create! Break things! Find humor in it all cause honestly? Every single one of us has the same final stop. Poor folks. Rich folks. All kinds of folks end up with the same grand finale! So? Judging, bitching, greedy… all those human yucky things? Are time wasted.
Laugh some more.
Eat well.
Have great sex.
Laugh some more.
Laugh some more!
And live!
Cheers to me for surviving another year of mischief, messes, mayhem, failures, laughter, and? Successes. Yup. Surfs up! Let’s do this!
Now? Mimosa?
Thank you all for the birthday wishes!!