Dexter Moscow - Helping you achieve more.
Author and Coach | Master Influencer and Persuader
“??????????????, ????????????, ????????????????????, ???????? ???? ???????? ????????.”(Julius Caesar)
For today, being the noble Bard’s birthday, I wish to declare and state something of great importance.
"?????? ?????? ??????????'?? ?? ??????????, ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ???????????? ??????????????. ???????? ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????? ?????????? ??????????????????; ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ??????????." (As You Like It).
Therefore, I implore you, my dear friends, to gird your loins and seize the golden opportunity to take centre stage and promote your wares, ideas, and unique personae. For your part is to help others.
“???? ?????? ???????? ?????????? ???? ???????????? ?????? ???????? ????.”... (The Tempest)
So leadeth the way so that with your knowledge, expertise, and charisma you can help others on their business journey to achieve their dreams.
?“???? ????, ???? ?????? ???? ????: ???????? ???? ?????? ????????????????.”... (Hamlet)
Indeed, do you have the courage to speak your words, play your part, and win the hearts and minds of your audience? To loosen their purse strings and reap the rewards of your endeavours? ?
?Or do your pitches and presentations send your prospects……?????????????? ???????? ?? ??????????.’ (The Tempest)
Or are they “???????? ???? ?????????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ???????????????????? ??????????????” (Macbeth),
For the message is critical, the storytelling must be compelling and the delivery engaging.
Like “?????? ???????????? ???? ???????? ???????? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ????????????.” ... A Midsummer Night's Dream
Neither do our conversations with those we are seeking to influence and persuade.
So, hither to me and allow me to help you.?“???? ?????????? ?????? ???????? ???? ????????.” Hamlet,
And let your true self shine through, be it live, in person or ?????????????? ?? ?????????? ???????????? (Computer screen) (Corinthians – OK, not Shakespeare but seems appropriate) ?
?“?????????????? ???? ???????? ?????????? ????????????.” Romeo and Juliet,
But I hope that we may continue our discourse and seek ways to ensure your success and that your,
...???????????? ???????????? ???????????? ?????? ??????????!" (The Merchant of Venice) of expertise to enlighten a wider audience.
Remember "?????????????? ???? ?????? ???????? ???? ??????." (Hamlet)
Let me help you make your words count.
Let us speak - 07973 635670 -