Lori Adams
Senior Leader in Customer Projects, Regulatory Compliance & Strategic Planning | Expert in Driving Innovation, Stakeholder Engagement & Operational Excellence
It’s a snowy day today. I love the beauty, stillness and possibility fresh snow brings forth. Underneath all that white snow lies opportunity for something new. The snow that covers the brown, shriveled leaves, plants and grass brings with it the life-giving waters that will bring out the newness and excitement of spring.
On this day I’ve received the confirmation of my trademark registration for Shattering Glass Ceilings?. I am so excited. I love the metaphor this represents. Many times, in our lives and business we are presented with situations that feel like immovable barriers. Thick concrete, impenetrable, the effort it would take to cut our way through it makes it seem impossible. Like the fresh snow, this bring to us the opportunity to bring fresh awareness to the situation. Through this intention of new awareness, we in fact find out the barrier is a thin single pane glass. Upon a small tap we find it shatters away from us leaving open an opportunity we could not have imagined. I encourage you to set an intention to bring a new awareness to one of your barriers today, don’t forget to celebrate when it shatters like the glass it is.