In Celebration of International Women's Day
Because the origin stories have gone untold. Because history wasn’t captured on TikTok. Because women are leaving the workforce and we still wonder why?!
We are inspired daily by the ideas, the innovation, the hearts and souls of women of the world. The conversations that go unspoken are the reason that this “holiday” matters.
The first tampon was designed in 1931 by American Dr. Earl Haas. It was a cardboard applicator stuffed with cotton. After a failed product launch, thankfully Gertrude Schulte Tenderich of Germany bought the patent and began hand sewing (!)? tampons from her home before selling to Tampax in 1933.
Today we celebrate the enormous strides we have made in female gynaecological health with brands like Nixit, Daye and Aunt Flo.
With a very special shout to our pals offering incredible support at Brood Care (for when babies are born!) and Hysterical (for when hormonal dysregulation is born!)
Mammograms were only invented in 1965 by Dr. Robert Egan. While we are grateful for yet another man who had our best interests in mind, he may not have considered the pain of such a machine squishing our chests. #ouchie
Speaking of pain, we rarely discuss the speculum that was designed by the father of gynaecology, Dr. James Marion Sims. However, as of 2015 over 85% of gynacologists are now women and changing the speculum game! Praise be.
That the first bikini originated on July 5, 1946 in Paris by a Frenchman called Louis Reard?
Today we celebrate the female-founded and designed bathing suits of Left on Friday!
That Knix, a Canadian brand founded in 2015, was one of the first first size-inclusive, leak-proof products that countered the conventional lingerie narratives? They have since revolutionized the underwear industry with their innovative brand promise.
And this is only a quick sneak peak. There are hundreds of other stories of what women are creating in the world today in order to show up, contribute, function and thrive that most of our colleagues will never quite understand.
We celebrate Cayley?for being a voice of the fertility conversation in BC. You can find her here?and here?and here! Listen, read and learn. It’s important.?
We?are cheering for our friends at lululemon’s FURTHER project this week – go go go!
“And by default, that means I’m phenomenal too!” - Mirna Valerio
From our raging-hormones, endometriosis-lined uterus’, multi-tasking magical selves – we see you and celebrate you today!