Celebration Day - long story
In coach training I learned that a very important part of our work is to celebrate our successes, no matter how small or big they are. And to be grateful. And to appreciate ourselves for what we achieved. And from that celebration comes acknowledgement of our work, and also energy to move even further.
Today is the day that I celebrate :)
And brag about me :)) - just to be clear, ok?
I celebrate not one, but two diplomas. ECPC stands for Erickson Certified Professional Coach, designated by Erickson International Coaching Institute, and ACC is Associate Certified Coach, by International Coach Federation. All this after 3 years of coaching and 1.8 years of coach training, so it's not just about a weekend training and bam, I got my diploma. Hard work, dedicated trainers and mentors, awesome and challenging clients, fun, fear, joy, ups and downs, transformation, challenges, you name it, it's a cake with all life's ingredients :).
Some thank you's are in order here: (I feel like at the Oscars now, I want to thank my fans:)))
I want to thank myself :D, couldn't have done any of this without my determination, my brains and my heart. Couldn't have gone through training hours - after working hours, through learning new concepts and unlearning old ones - do you have any idea how hard it is to stop giving advice?!? and trust the person in front of you that he has all the answers, you just need to hold the space for them to unravel? It's pretty hard, i'll say :). But, practice makes mastery, so on we go! I want to thank myself for choosing a great coaching school, https://erickson.edu/ - with some great professionals there and with lots of learning opportunities. I totally recommend it for those wanting to pursue a coaching career. And my enrolment advisor, a real professional who was there for all my administrative questions, always answering like that was the most important question in the world, always very warm and kind and patience - Tania Walter Gardiner
I want to thank my family for understanding me and for standing by my side, no matter what, for encouraging me in the low times and for celebrating every achievement with me - even though most of the times they did not really understood what I am talking about :)))
Thank you to my trainers - Kim Leischner, Heather Parks, Dermot Butterly and Silvia Viola, and to my awesome, uplifting and great mentors, Kim and Heather. Your observations made the quality of my coaching skills grow with each conversation. You are an inspiration for me.
Thank you to all my clients, I learned with you and for you, you gave me some precious life experiences and satisfactions - due to confidentiality reasons I will not name them here, they know. Except for the bravest of them all, (I have her approve to do this, ok?), Mihaela Pop, who was courageous enough to go live with me in the oral exam I had to take. Live, ok?
Thank you my coach, Julia Stavrou - you do know that every coach has a coach, right? Your questions and curiosity kept me on the right track, made me feel I am ok and I can do whatever I put my mind to do.
And thank you my life. I am grateful for who I am, what I have and where I am headed to.
So, let's celebrate :)
P.S. If you are curious, you can also read about how I became a coach (on my website)
Ziua celebrarii - poveste lunga
In cadrul training-ului de coaching am invatat ca o parte importanta a muncii noastre este sa ne bucuram de succesul nostru si sa-l sarbatorim, indiferent cat de mic sau mare este. Si sa ne apreciem pentru reusita noastra. Din aceasta celebrare vine recunoasterea muncii noastre si ne luam energie sa mergem si mai departe.
Azi e ziua cand eu sarbatoaresc :)
Si ma laud :))) - ca sa fie clar despre ce vorbim aici, da?
Sarbatoaresc nu una, ci doua diplome. ECPC - Erickson Certified Professional Coach, acordata de catre Erickson International Coaching Institute, si ACC - Associate Certified Coach, de la International Coach Federation (mi se pare cam ciudat sa traduc si denumirile diplomelor:). Toate astea dupa 3 ani de coaching si 1.8 ani de scoala de coaching, deci nu e vorba doar de un weekend intensiv de training si pac, mi-am luat diploma. Multa munca, traineri si mentori dedicati, clienti minunati si provocatori, distractie, frica, bucurie, suisuri si coborasuri, transformare, provocari, de toate, e ca o prajitura cu toate ingredientele vietii.
Cred ca se impun cateva multumiri (ma simt ca la Oscar-uri acum "multumesc fanilor mei" :))
Vreau sa-mi multumesc mie :), n-as fi putut sa fac nimic din toate astea fara determinarea mea, mintea si inima mea. N-as fi putut trece prin orele de training - care majortiatea erau dupa orele de servici, n-as fi putut trece prin invatarea de noi concepte si dezvatarea de unele vechi - va puteti macar imagina cam cat de greu este sa nu mai dai sfaturi?!? si sa ai incredere in persoana din fata ta ca are toate raspunsurile, si ca doar trebuie sa creezi spatiul potrivit ca acele raspunsuri sa iasa la supafata? E destul de greu, zic eu :). Dar practica te duce la maiestrie, asa ca mergem inainte! Ma felicit pentru ca am ales o scoala de coaching grozava, https://erickson.edu/ - o scoala unde inveti de la profesionisti si cu o multime de oportunitati de invatare. O recomand din suflet celor care se gandesc sa urmeze o cariera in coaching. Trebuie sa mentionez si consilierul de inscriere de acolo, o adevarata profesionista care a fost acolo pentru toate intrebarile mele administrative, raspunzandu-mi intotdeauna ca si cum aceea era cea mai importanta intrebare pe care a primit-o vreodata, fiind intotdeauna foarte calda si rabdatoare - Tania Walter Gardiner.
Vreau sa multumesc familiei pentru ca m-au inteles si au fost alaturi de mine indiferent de situatie, pentru ca m-au incurajat cand a fost cazul si s-au bucurat alaturi de mine pentru fiecare realizare noua - desi de cele mai multe ori nu prea intelegeau ei despre ce le povestesc :)))
Multumesc profesorilor - Kim Leischner, Heather Parks, Dermot Butterly si Silvia Viola si mentorilor mei absolut grozavi: Kim si Heather - observatiile voastre au facut sa creasca calitatea abilitatilor mele de coaching cu fiecare conversatie pe care o aveam. Ma inspirati!
Multumesc clientilor mei (oamenilor mei), am invatat cu voi si pentru voi, mi-ati oferit niste experiente de viata si niste satisfactii pretioase - datorita confidentialitatii datelor nu am sa va numesc pe fiecare, va stiti voi. Am sa numesc in schimb pe cea mai brava dintre toti (am acordul ei pt asta, da?), Mihaela Pop, care a avut curajul sa intre cu mine live/in direct in examenul oral pe care a trebuit sa-l sustin. Live, da?
Multumesc coach-ului meu, Julia Stavrou - stiti ca orice coach are la randul lui un coach, nu? Intrebarile si curiozitatea ta m-au tinut pe drumul cel bun, m-au facut sa simt ca sunt ok si ca pot sa fac orice imi doresc.
Si multumesc vietii mele. Sunt foarte recunoscatoare pentru cine sunt, ce am si incotro ma indrept.
Deci, sa sarbatorim! :)
P.S. - Daca sunteti curiosi, puteti sa cititi povestea mea, pe site-ul meu :)