Celebrating Women's History Month

Celebrating Women's History Month

This month we are featuring selected scholars whose work has centered on women's experience, and women who've changed UChicago history.

Hanna Holborn Gray is the first woman to serve as President of UChicago and founded the Paleography and the Book Visiting Scholar Program.?Janel Mueller was the first woman to lead an academic division at UChicago, which was the Division of the Humanities; The Sojourner Truth Festival of the Arts?commemorated independent Black women filmmakers. English Language and Literature scholar Rachel Galvin's recent book Uterotopia is a daring and poignant collection of poems on childlessness and womanhood. Mary Beard, the?Berlin Family Lectures 2023 keynote speaker (April 20, 25, and 26), recently published a book on Women and Power. English Language and Literature scholar Deborah Nelson's book Tough Enough focuses on six brilliant women who are often seen as particularly tough-minded: Simone Weil, Hannah Arendt, Mary McCarthy, Susan Sontag, Diane Arbus, and Joan Didion.


