Celebrating women in the functional health community
Jonathan Cohen
Founder of FunctionalDX | Functional Medicine Advocate | Speaker & Educator
For International Woman’s Day this time last year, I penned a post here that argued that, in reality, every day should be a commemorative one where women have equal rights to employment, achievement, fairness and respect. It was one of my most liked pieces on LinkedIn.
I am very proud and inspired by the women I work alongside every day, who work passionately and tirelessly to change the health of their clients, often with very little to no recognition of the work they do because they do not fall inside the mainstream medical industry.
These women are strong, they are the trailblazers, who should be listened to and supported, because they are inspiring and educating everyone they interact with. Showing them how to look after their bodies, supporting them to heal and how to optimise their health and wellbeing, in a world where many industries want you to be sick, on multiple medications and addicted to junk food to make them money. These women provide the support and education that we need in the world to be healthier, happier humans. And they should be applauded every single day
I understand of course, the need for awareness days – they keep important subjects at the forefront of the public’s mind at a time when we have never had more distractions. But I still can’t help feeling a little saddened that we still need special days to recognise some of the people who are the most special...