Celebrating the wins! Writer, author and book coaching wins from last week

Celebrating the wins! Writer, author and book coaching wins from last week

We don’t acknowledge our wins enough, and that goes for me too, so here are some from the last week:


During my membership meet-up last week, Stephanie discovered the opening scenes and pages of her book. After I started digging and asking questions, we uncovered some moments that were so powerful, she found her pot of gold and teared up in the process. (Warning/tip: In my coaching, I’m always looking for tears, laughs and goosebumps— that’s how I know we hit it.)


Diane is ready to tackle her second draft, so I gave her tips on how to edit yourself, how to create a plan for editing and revising your book in a timely manner, how to not waste time tinkering with perfectionism and make the kind of changes and story updates that exponentially elevate your book and bring you that much closer to your publishing goals.


Mike isn’t ready to start his book yet—he’s still in the land of ideas and curiosity. So I gave him permission to let himself off the hook right now and simply play with the idea, while creating a writing practice by journalling daily. This will prepare him for writing his book by giving him the chance to hone his voice and writing skills, and also to reflect on and articulate his thesis and philosophy, while steering him out of procrastination and analysis paralysis, so he can create momentum and progress (and even a content bank!) toward publishing his book.


During last week's book publishing workshop, Antwon shared that he was already killing it with presales and was ready to launch his book. Still, he was stumped on what to follow up with. I was able to give him some direction on content strategy for how to nurture his relationship with his new readers, how to leverage his book for his other goals (motivational speaking), and even planted seeds for future books. I also offered to introduce him to one of my like-minded one-on-one clients so they could appear on each other’s podcasts. Win-win!


Through our 1-1, Shannon gained clarity on her book angle, title and tagline, as well as her book marketing strategy as pertains to her business goals. She also decided to extend her book launch by a couple of months to ride the wave of newsworthiness and what will be topical at the time of her book launch, plus to gather more early reviews and trade reviews for her book.


And that’s just a few of the ways I helped my members, writers, authors and workshop attendees last week. If you have any questions on these areas or some of your own, DM me.


Storytelling is my ministry and I love to serve!


Cat xo

PS: To get coaching and feedback specific to you, your book, your goals and where you’re at now, sign up for my membership program, where you'll get access to my membership community, including my Kickstart Your Book online course, monthly meet-ups and group coaching calls to help you move forward with your book publishing goals, with accountability, guidance and support. Click here to sign up now.

[Totally unrelated, my daughter got a bunk bed last week, and now her brothers have moved in and made a fort from it, so it’s like camping but without the bugs and stuff. Celebrating that win as well!]


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