Celebrating a True Triumph of the Human Spirit
I was sitting in self-absorbed mode, mulling over the fact that this article would be my 500th published on LinkedIn. That's something like a quarter million words... good for me... and so on.
And then an email arrived from an old friend. Here's the whole email. Trust me, you want to read it. As you do, take your time. It takes David perhaps a full minute to "type" each letter, so his words are worthy of deep attention...
Last month, I celebrated 65 trips around the sun. I am now a certified, card-carrying geezer. It's been over seven years since I was diagnosed with ALS. It's been a remarkable time as I continue to feel special in every way. Many people find this odd. However, I have had a chance to reflect on how fortunate I've been and continue to be.
I see a world full of loving and caring people... of friends and a larger community in which I would not have been intimately involved had illness not struck. I was tangentially aware of this, of course, but now I am the front and center beneficiary of a life of circled wagons of friends, family, and community.
It's been an amazing and totally gratifying awakening. I often refer to the advantages of ALS, a list that continues to expand. Some are surely tongue in cheek - not having to mow the lawn, shovel the office walk, try to speak a foreign language or have a colonoscopy - but others, hundreds really and counting, are far more significant and priceless.
I have benefitted from an incredible group of caring people, people who tend to me body and soul - from critical medical and health care ministrations to acts of interpersonal kindnesses ranging from a visit, a note, a picture, and a shared memory, to ideas for keeping my mind active, to humor, to confidences. I have been blessed with the company and comfort of friends from days well past to those more present and many, many new ones; my life has been full.
CCALS has provided care for nearly 1,400 ALS families since its inception and our dollars make a considerable impact.
Each year we sponsor a swim that benefits Compassionate Care ALS. We decided this year to form our own administratively separate non-profit 501c3 organization. This route provides better control over the donor proceeds. CCALS has provided care for nearly 1,400 ALS families since its inception and our dollars make a considerable impact. Perhaps in the future, we will be able to make an impact in the world of research. We have dreams!
While only in our sixth year, we have already established David's Old Silver Swim as an event that will grow in size like the Tour de France or the Westminster Dog Show. (Don't laugh, I'm serious).
I would be extremely appreciative if this year you could dig deep inside your heart and wallet for a donation on my behalf to really help us meet our goal. Any amount would be welcomed ($25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 or more).
I was the healthy one who never suspected, like most of us, that disease would strike. But strike it did, with a vengeance. Now I'm not practicing dentistry, swimming in Buzzards Bay or working in the garden, but I'm still swinging for the fences. Even though I'm in a paralyzed body, I am living large with strength, hope, spirit, and love. Getting old(er) has encouraged me to feel young!
With amazingly large dreams,
David Garber
You should know that until David became ill, he swam every single day in the ocean. He lives right on Old Silver Beach, the site of this event. In particularly harsh winters, he would cut a hole in the ice and just immerse himself. Of all the people I know, he was unquestionably in the best shape.
So this isn't just a random fundraiser, but instead is a direct link to David's earlier life.
You don't know David. There's no reason for you to support his swim, like I just did, except to encourage one of the most remarkable displays of the human spirit I have ever encountered.
Although he doesn't know it yet, David's note arrived at just the right time. I'm still proud of my writing and grateful for all the people with whom it has connected me. But David reminded me that in both spirit and actions, I must aim much, much higher.
Bruce Kasanoff is the author of How to Self-Promote without Being a Jerk. He is a social media ghostwriter.
Family Nurse Practitioner
8 年Truly amazing story! As a nurse I have seen illness strike many people but this is the first time I have seen, or read, about someone dealing with circumstances with such grace and determination. Thank you for sharing!
learning disability charity co founder at ALL SHAPES AND SIZES
8 年Time and time again I hear or read about these amazing people who, in the face of adversity, do the most selfless things for others. It is most humbling .Puts lifes little woes into perspective....great read.
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8 年Look ..always higher! With courage. "I SAW MORE 'FAR FROM OTHER ..because 'I WAS ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS! " (Isaac Newton) And 'This is the way of saying that every man and entrepreneur should impress upon their minds ..to face every challenge of life and Entrepreneurial. We know ..I am ..the difficult challenges. But dare one ..not if you can give by itself in a "particular" period like this. Looks ahead ..sii crowds ..desecrating ..iconoclast ..but always with a sense of respect, education and professional ethics! The ..this crisis knows ..there are ..there were ..and there will be ..! But are cyclical ..before or later pass! I do not have a magic wand, I would not presume to give recipes or substitutes sterile hopes, but I believe deeply that looking ahead, always, ..with eyes "disenchanted" the can is fair ..for everyone! And remember that WE kneel ..just of GOD on! Thanks for your attention and best wishes to you all ..from the wonderful Italy . Gianpaolo PAVONE ( Italian Writer & Corporate communications expert ) Read also THE COURAGE (Gianpaolo Pavone) here: https://urlin.it/13fdc3 .
Busco una oportunidad de trabajo de arqueólogo
8 年As always a great honor to have the chance to read all your stories and life expertise advice. As an anthropologist is amazing how you find in every post the humanity that has been lost and bring us the hope that some day we will get it back completely and the fight is still on. BRAVO Bruce!