Celebrating ten years with Store-All Logistics
Seasoned truck driver Declan O'Keeffe reflects on a decade at Store-All
"Before Store All, it feels like a world away at this stage. But I have been driving trucks for nearly 28 years now. My first driving job was the day after my 25th birthday, driving an 8-wheeler tipper servicing the Roadstone quarries around Co. Meath. A world away from today. I soon realised that I needed my HGV licence ASAP and with that in hand, I could deliver all around Ireland and parts of Europe. However homeward bound I was heading and eventually after the second interview, I was successful and started in TPN - The Pallet Network in Store All, and the rest as they say is history.
I've done a lot in Store-All since then. I've worked hard in every department I was in, whether it was doing deliveries with the van, being the team lead in SR1 and getting that warehouse up and running for milk powder inbound and outbound movements. I had a good team in Slieverue Warehouse SR1 and there was a lot of work done there. I spent probably two years looking after Glanbia, now called Tirlán, which was stressful at times but I really enjoyed. Going back to the van for a minute at this time the country went through a very challenging time. With COVID we saw overnight deliveries doubled to people who were all online shopping because everyone was housebound. Everyone except the delivery drivers were then considered essential workers. I was happy that I could get up every day during COVID and go to work. There is only so much gardening one can do!
Recently I've been tasked with servicing a large pharmaceutical contract, dry goods and cold chain deliveries and collections. I understand that this is a very important contract for Store-All and I am looking forward to seeing the workload increase for all of us associated with this contract. The redevelopment of SR1 and SR2 warehouses shows me how serious Store-All and this client are working together and I hope going into the future I will be a part of this.
If anyone asked me for advice who has recently started with Store-All, it is pretty simple what I tell them - you have to enjoy your work. If like me you enjoy your work the weeks roll by. Then the months and before you know it the years roll by. I look forward to getting up and going to work. Back in 2017/18, I had a back injury which resulted in an operation and I am thankful that after two months post-operation I was back at work. Your health is your wealth.
It's important to have an interest outside work. Mine is motorcycles - Harley-Davidsons or any bike to be honest. Having a bike opens up a whole new world, with new friends outside of work and it is a way of seeing the world on two wheels.
I am also a husband to Lisa, who has stood by me through the ups and downs, and we also became grandparents to twin girls two years ago, which has brightened our lives no end.
Finally, could I just say that the last 10 years have flown by and here's to the next 10 hopefully."
Thanks Declan for sharing your reflection on your Store-All journey.