Celebrating Safer Internet Day - 2022
Today, the Tuesday of February 8 is celebrated as the safe internet day by over 200 countries to promote safe and positive use of digital technology among children and young people. The global theme this year is "Together for a Better Internet". the goal is to inspire national conversations about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively by the younger generation.
Here are some tips from Kanaswap to allow your young ones to practice the use of safer internet.
The Safer Internet Day was also celebrated in the UK today with the theme ?‘All fun and games? exploring topics related to gaming on the internet
coordinated by the UK safer internet center with the support from the European Commission and national safer internet centers across Europe.
Companies like Amazon, Apple, Lego, Netflix, Roblox, Samsung, SUPERCELL, Twitter, Vodafone were also some of the companies to show their support on this day.