Celebrating Pride in the North Country
Granite United Way
We're helping our community learn, earn & be healthy! #LiveUnited
June is Pride Month and a vital celebration of the LGBTQIA+ community. Organizations like our equity partners, North Country Pride, provide opportunities for everyone to celebrate pride all year long.
North Country Pride has been an official 501c3 for over two years, originating from a collective response to the tragic Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida. The founding members united to offer support for the LGBTQIA+ community, and this initiative soon evolved into North Country Pride.
North Country Pride’s mission is to provide support, resources, and a community for adults and youth who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Members of North Country Pride, Jill Kimball and Ashley Brown, shared that there is limited representation in rural areas like the North Country.
“It’s a fun group to be a part of and we are supportive of everyone,” says Brown. “We want everyone to know that we are here, and we are here for those that are looking for that community.”
The organization has aimed to create visibility throughout the North Country by hosting events like their annual PRIDE RIDE that takes place every September, paint and sips, climbing events, and open mic nights. They also offer monthly Queer All Year Socials, an opportunity for the queer community to come together, gain friendships, share resources, and provide a safe space for everyone.
They have also received an enthusiastic response from local businesses. Many show their support by hanging pride flags in their windows to cohosting events. This month, Rek-Lis Brewing Company in Littleton threw a Disco Dance Party to celebrate pride, and local businesses participated in Dine Out with Pride where they donate a portion of their funds to North Country Pride.
Jill Kimball , Co-Chair of North Country Pride, shared how they have received positive responses from both members of their community and those visiting.
“We received many emails and letters from people sharing how seeing something as small as a pride flag has had a positive impact on them and has made them feel more comfortable.”
The partnership between Granite United Way and North Country Pride has been pivotal in fostering a more inclusive and supportive community.? Granite United Way’s North Country Director, Nanci Carney, has worked closely with North Country Pride to elevate their work and promote their events within her network.
“It’s wonderful to have support from Granite United Way. They don’t just provide funds, but they provide support for us throughout the years- in good times and bad.”
If you are interested in getting involved or want to learn more about events and activities, visit https://www.northcountrypridenh.org/