Celebrating Pride Month: Embracing Freedom, Equality, and Inclusivity in the Workplace

Celebrating Pride Month: Embracing Freedom, Equality, and Inclusivity in the Workplace

“When we’re free to love anyone we choose, when this world’s big enough for all different views, when we all can worship from our own kind of view – then, we shall be free.”

– Garth Brooks

Pride month is annually celebrated in June. It is a month where the world's LGBTQIA+ communities and allies celebrate together their freedom to be themselves, and continue to raise awareness about inclusion and fight for their rights. Pride is a celebration of people coming together in love and friendship. It is a celebration to show how far LGBTQIA+ rights have come, but also to fight for respect and full equality.

LGBTQIA+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questionning, intersex, asexual and other members of the community. The + is an inclusive symbol to mean 'and others' to include people of all identities.

How Did Pride Month Commemorations Start?

On June 28th, 1969, policemen raided the StoneWall Inn, a gay bar in New York’s Greenwich Village. This event sparked political activism in the gay community. In 1970, several hundred members of the community marched along Greenwich Village’s Christopher Street, the street where the Stonewall Inn is. It was considered as the first Gay Pride March. The 1969 StoneWall Inn march served as the spark of the modern gay rights movement. In 1978, the rainbow flag was used having its eight colours. (sexuality symbolized by hot pink, life by red, healing by orange, the sun by yellow, nature by green, art by blue, harmony by indigo, and spirit by violet). It has became the most recognised symbol of Gay Pride.

Why Should We Celebrate Pride Month Regardless Of Our Own Identity?

It is by standing together with different communities that we help support more inclusion, belonging and mutual respect. Despite any differences, we come together in respect of human rights and freedom of choice, aiming to be an ally to all not just to one or some.

How Can We Promote Inclusivity In The Workplace?

Here are some thoughts that we hope can help you get started in the workplace:

1. Examine your work policies and benefits to ensure they are LGBTQ+ Inclusive

Most companies have non-discriminatory policies, code of conduct and procedures to foster equality. According to one research, 93% of 500 companies in America have nondiscrimination policies which includes sexual orientation while 85% have nondiscrimination policies which include gender identity. It is best to check the policies in your company and also help create and improve the current policies to foster more inclusion and belonging. As a business to attract and retain talent, it is also essential to make sure that your company’s benefits are LGBTQIA+ inclusive, as well. Inclusive policies and benefits will deliver a clear message on how your organisation demonstrates support to the LGBTQIA+ community and attracts the best talent.

2. Build LGBTQ+ Employee Resource Groups (ERG)

An LGBTQ+ employee resource group can be a powerful tool for LGBTQ+ employees and allies. It will help in increasing employees’ engagement across the organisation providing networking, professional development opportunities, community service and business impact. It could be as simple as a reading club, a Pride Month drinks gathering, a sharing session where key managers and leaders share their stories of inclusion, and of course consider hiring outside training experts to lead some of the training and ESG sessions on Respect in the Workplace, Ally-ship, Unconscious Bias, Impact & Belonging, Inclusive Conversations and so much more.

3. Support different LGBTQ+ initiatives throughout the year

Support various initiatives that your company or organisation can participate in all year long. It should not be limited to Pride Month. Other events include, October 11, the National Coming Out Day. This day serves as the coming-out celebration for LGBTQ+ people and their allies. Other days include, Transgender Awareness Week (November 12-19) and Transgender Day of Remembrance (November 20) provide visibility to transgender and gender nonconforming people, and more. Enhance your self-awareness, educate yourself and your company by getting involved in different key dates and celebrations.

4. Ensure your hiring process is inclusive

Aside from creating LGBTQIA+ inclusive policies that look good on paper, you should be committed to an inclusive, transparent and fair hiring process. Check possible language in the job descriptions and career pages which might lead to bias impression, behaviour and impact. Moreover, make sure that your hiring process is welcoming to all candidates, regardless of their background, gender identity or sexual orientation. If you have established your LGBTQ+ ERGs, it is best to have them engaged in the hiring process, as well.

Did you like what you just read? Did you learn a thing or two? Please get in touch at [email protected] to learn more about our portfolio of training and facilitation to support you and your company in your Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging goals.

Happy Pride Month!


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