Celebrating and Nurturing Success
The Global Undergraduate Awards
The world's largest academic awards programme. Connecting and empowering the brightest students to inspire greatness.
Congratulations to the Winners of this year's Washington University in St. Louis Annual Awards for the Department of Biology in Arts & Sciences.
Congratulations to these exceptional scholars whose dedication and excellence have earned them this esteemed recognition. Your achievements not only reflect your personal commitment to academic excellence but also exemplify the spirit of inquiry and innovation within the field of biology. We applaud your accomplishments and look forward to witnessing your continued success as you embark on your future endeavors.
We extend our congratulations to the exceptional recipients https://source.wustl.edu/2024/05/biology-students-win-annual-awards-2/
The Ralph S. Quatrano Prize - Hannah Davis
The Marion Smith Spector Prize - Shelei Pan
The Garland Allen Prize - Braxton Sizemore
The Harrison D. Stalker Award - Shan Wang
As you stand on the brink of a bright future, we urge you to contemplate expanding your success to a global platform through your participation in The Global Undergraduate Awards . Keep in mind that your potential is limitless, and your achievements hold the potential to inspire and influence the future in profound ways, transcending your campus, community, and even continent.