Celebrating Milestones
Jenn Kelly once said, "celebrate your milestones, even if they are only pebbles; life is too short not to celebrate ". And we totally agree that a life well spent should be celebrated.
That was what we did for Hector Etomi's Seventieth birthday; We celebrated the glorious life he had lived and created lovely memories for the future.
Family and friends celebrated Hector Etomi at his seventieth birthday party we planned for him some weeks ago. It was an evening of elegance and class filled with lots of music, fun and gratitude.
A big shoutout to all our suppliers who delivered excellently.
Exhibition booths are a great way to promote your product/services to a new audience or remain top of mind to existing clientele.
We are glad to have supported one of our clients (Eko Support Services) in setting up the exhibition booth experience at the 30th Anniversary of the free zone scheme event at the ICC Abuja from the 30th of November to the 2nd of December.
We assisted our client with ideas that ensured attendees flooded their booth.
Hosting an event soon? Give us a call!