Celebrating Love the Asticom Way!
As we celebrate Valentine's Day, Asticom believes in love that goes beyond words - and shows commitment through caring actions in social activities.
Growing Love for the Environment
Asticom cares about the environment; we don't just talk about it – we take action. We participate in tree-planting activities, showing our sincere commitment to a healthier planet for all of us.
Embracing Love in All Forms
Love knows no boundaries, and Asticom proved that by teaming up with Cottolengo Filipino Inc., a charitable organization dedicated to assisting abandoned, neglected, surrendered, and unwanted PWDs. Through an Art Fair, where Children with autism and Down syndrome showcased their works, they were able to tell their stories of creativity, resilience, and uniqueness. It's about breaking down barriers and making sure everyone feels included.
Love in Action
When storms hit Palawan, Visayas, and Mindanao, Asticom didn't just sit back. We collaborated with telecom providers, sending teams to Cebu to address damage. Despite challenges like fallen trees and damaged roads, Asticom showed real care for fellowmen, prioritizing community well-being.
At Asticom, it isn't just about the chocolate and flowers. Love is connecting people through shared experiences. Our dedication to the environment, society, and fellowmen sets an example, reminding us that making a difference is about genuine care and love that knows no borders.
Want to know more about Asticom and what we do? Connect with us today: https://bit.ly/3HOJ9vr