Celebrating International Women's Day - March 8, 2023
All Things Bright and Beautiful
A personal note from our Chief Client Officer, John Henning celebrating International Women’s Day:
For me, Mother’s Day was always one of my favorite days of the year, since my Mom was such a central figure in my development as a person. Since she passed away 12 years ago, I’ve struggled with that day, trying to find a suitable substitute mother that I can call and thank for all the wonderful things she taught me, showed me and inspired in me to become a better man.
As I reflect now on that unsuccessful search for a replacement, I realize that the answer has always been right in front of me. International Women’s Day is the celebration of ALL women and the impact that they have on the world around us. What better way to find hope and inspiration in a world that can sometimes be overwhelmingly dark and foreboding.
Today, I am dedicating International Women’s Day to my mother Mary and all the women of the world who work tirelessly for themselves, their families, their employers and the planet to make living just a little bit better, especially for their children. Not all women may choose to have children, and in some cases that decision isn’t even theirs any more in many parts of the USA, but the impact my Mom had on me and shaped my world view and attitude is fundamental and profound.
There are many gifts that I received from my mom, but the biggest of all was how she shaped my view of life and the people around me, always teaching me to find the beauty and the brightness of each individual life, regardless of whether it was flora or fauna and how every one worked together to create the harmony of existence that makes up our totality of experience.
This month, one of GSG’s own super women, Helda Müller , will be featuring the women of GSG, providing a little peak into how they shine their light on the world to make it a better place. I invite you to follow us throughout the month as we feature some of the incredible women of GSG all over the world.
Thank you mother Mary, and thank you to all the women of the world, who are indeed Bright and Beautiful.
Absolutely beautiful piece and worth a read. I feel lucky to have been able to meet Mary.