Celebrating International Women's Day
International Women's Day March 8th, 2022 The theme is: #BreakTheBias https://www.internationalwomensday.co/

Celebrating International Women's Day

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March Edition III
"Courage: To Leap, To Lead"

This newsletter is focused on the courage everyone needs to make a difference. Each month we will feature different thoughts in all areas related to the courage to leap and lead to help us identify and implement courage to meet our dreams and goals with the full rigor that will lead to success.
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  • International Women's Day
  • Courage Consultant
  • How Does Courage Relate to the Imposter Syndrome?
  • A Women's Power Pac Group
  • Power Pac Women to Follow in 2022!
  • 30-Day Courage Challenge

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International Women's Day March 8th, 2022.

The theme is: #BreakTheBias


"Whether deliberate or unconscious, the bias makes it difficult for women to move ahead. Knowing that bias exists isn’t enough, action is needed to level the playing field. Are you in??Will you actively call out gender bias, discrimination, and stereotyping each time you see it?

Will you help break the bias??Cross your arms to show solidarity.

Strike the IWD 2022 pose and share your #BreakTheBias image, video, resources, presentation, and articles on social media using #IWD2022 #BreakTheBias to encourage people to further commit in helping to forge an inclusive world."..https://www.internationalwomensday.com/Theme

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Send your question about implementing courage in business to us.

Be considered for our LinkedIn LIVE! show [email protected]

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How Does Courage Relate to the Imposter Syndrome?

The classic imposter syndrome is defined by Wikipedia as "a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents, or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud. Despite external evidence of their competence, those experiencing this phenomenon remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve all they have achieved".

?In more cases than not, the syndrome is associated with women in the business world.

?The question is, how can courage be used to battle this pattern?

?If we use the causation as defined by Ruchika Tulshyan and Jodi-Ann Burey, in their Harvard Business Review article “Stop Telling Women They Have Imposter Syndrome”, we can more easily deconstruct the causation of the imposter syndrome using CB Bowman's “6 Steps to Implement Courage” and reconstruct it courageously to result in success versus a destruction mindset of failure.

?Tulshyan and Burey present the surrounding sources of bias as being the culprit of the lack of courage to manage the impostor syndrome. They suggest that this is environmental in nature and if “gifts differing” were accepted and used in an inclusive and equitable manner then the syndrome would have a hard time surviving.

?If in fact the tools proposed in CB’s laboratory were used to dissipate the quagmire in which the impostor syndrome exists the opportunity for using courage would flourish and allow for unprecedented growth, creativity, and harmony in the workplace.

?BY CB Bowman-Ottomanelli, The “Courage Consultant” MBA, CMC, MCEC, BFF CB Bowman-Ottomanelli, is a keynote speaker and consultant on the subject of implementing courage in the workplace to increase productivity. Contact information: [email protected]; www.courage-consultant.com/

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Introducing the Women's Power Pac (WPP) opens its doors in celebration of "International Women's Day."

WPP, is a private group of successful women whose mission is to support "successful women who elevate the success of their colleagues and themselves." Its strict code of ethics and commitment was designed by the founding members: Dr. Libba Pinchot, Izabela Lindberg, MS, Dr. Ana Melinian, Janice Perkins, MBA, and its CEO CB Bowman-Ottomanelli, MBA, MCEC, BCC, CMC.

WPP's north star is "For women who have the courage to leap first, then figure out where they are going to land". Each of the women brings uniquely different skillsets and accomplishments. New members are nominated by existing members and they are vetted for their achievements, humility, and commitment. Meetings are held every two weeks for 1.5 to two hours with a commitment to attend 90% of the meetings.

Contact [email protected]

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Announcing the 2022 Power Pac Women to Follow!

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Dr. Libba Pinchot: a consultant and coach for visionary leaders and their teams. She co-founded the world’s first graduate school for sustainable business, co-created the word Intrapreneur, and co-authored The Intelligent Organization. Libba has a Ph.D. in Organizational Transformation. Her clients have included senior leaders of future-focused organizations including non-profits, government, and Fortune 100. Her super-power is the strategic steering of leadership teams through challenges to achieve their purposes and goals. She is also known for her warm commitment, a deep confidence in her clients, and wisdom. You can reach Libba via email at: [email protected]

Libba's Client Example:

Pinchot & Company provides organizational transformations in companies, agencies and NGO’s that empower employees to create major improvements in productivity, profitability, sustainability, and mission achievement.

The Forest service was deeply concerned that the everyday work of caring for the national forests was not cost effective. With nineteen senior Forest Service executives, Pinchot & Company designed an enterprise team system to empower employees to work more efficiently and effectively.

Jenny, a frustrated recreation planner for a single national forest, used the system to create an enterprise team called Recreation Solutions. She and her team expanded to creating the recreation plans for forty-four national forests, three divisions of the BLM, the state of California, and the overall Forest Service recreation plan. This talented employee was about to leave the Forest Service when she began our training. Given the freedom to show her full talent and grow a top-notch team, she stayed and made good things happen.

We trained 30 enterprise teams like Jenny’s and helped design the operating rules in which they’ve operated for many years. A government audit of similar work done by enterprise team members found them 70% more productive than the average Forest Service employee.

Learn more here: https://intrapreneur.com/

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Izabela Lundberg, MS: As a teenage war survivor, she lived in four countries on her own before arriving in the US as a refugee. She traveled to 48 states in the USA, 50+ countries and worked with people from 125+ countries. She knows too well what it feels to need a helping hand while facing fears on a path to greatness.

As the People's Champion, she always gives back. Her keynote, "Unlock Leadership & Legacy Champion Within," inspires and motivates others to find their leadership and legacy superpower while tackling the most pressing and complex challenges.

As a Corporate Advisor, Strategist and Consultant, Izabela builds Champion Culture by aligning strategic and tactical initiatives with innovative solutions while focusing on the organization's biggest asset: Talent.?

Izabela's superpower is working with leaders and organizations ready to disrupt the status quo, take risks, and lead like a champion while solving, transforming, and accelerating the expansion and growth of their thriving teams and organizations.

"Antidote for Great Resignation is not Restructuring! It is Reinvention!" ~ Izabela Lundberg??

Some of Izabela's Achievements include Top-Rated Global Business and Entrepreneurship Podcast, The Legacy Leaders Show, Amazon's #1 International Bestselling Author, Forbes Magazine & Coaches Council Contributor, Polyglot, Keynote & TEDx Speaker, Producer of Award-Winning Feature Film, Top 50 Most Impactful People On LinkedIn & Global Humanitarian!

Izabela can be reached at: [email protected]; https://www.izabelalundberg.com/coaching

Izabela's Client Example:

Massive talent resignation disrupted day-to-day operation and customer support and service. As a result, morale and talent performance was low, leadership was overwhelmed with stakes so high as customer satisfaction deteriorated rapidly.

"I partnered with the leadership team while fostering an advisory and strategic approach supported with data findings through detailed assessment and scoping.

A new process allowed me to quickly get to the root?cause of the critical issues and fresh perspective that the leadership team needed the most. I provided an immediate action plan and roadmap to stabilize teams and organizations through collaborative efforts. As a result, internal culture and leadership shifted,?teamwork and talent performance improved, resulting in increased customer satisfaction.

Further, I conducted my Keynote, "Unlock Leadership & Legacy Champion Within," with a workshop that further develops leadership capacity by setting the team for success while tackling their most pressing challenges."?

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Dr. Ana Melikian is a sought-after female keynote speaker. She has a Ph.D. in Psychology and 20+ years of experience working in human potential.

Her keynote, "The Happiness Fallacy" re-envisions and revitalizes how we think about and work with happiness for personal and collective good.

Ana is an optimist who had to overcome two bouts with cancer to learn that pursuing happiness is a fallacy, and that is one of the seven blind spots she uncovers in order to help us achieve our highest potential.

Always on the lookout for thought-provoking guests for her podcast with 18,000 monthly downloads. On her Mindset Zone Podcast, Ana loves to feature women making a difference through their work and life. She has interviewed several members of the Woman's Power Pac (WPP):

With CB Bowman, they talk about "mindsets" in their lives and businesses, noting the power of a mindset of undefeatability and courage. CB speaks how this mindset brought her through everything from her experiences with extreme racism to the time she took an unplanned, seemingly unrealistic trip to Panama to visit her father unannounced.

Either by working with leaders and their teams, or other coaches and consultants, Ana supports her clients to break through their mindset limitations and upgrade their psychological operating systems so that they achieve better results than ever in work and life while enjoying the process.

Ana's Client Example:

Her keynote, "The Happiness Fallacy" re-envisions and revitalizes how we think about and work with happiness for personal and collective good. She has more than 20 years of experience as a public speaker... client feedback includes:

"Her well-prepared presentation had all the dynamics of an effective learning experience, i.e. group demo, audience interaction, handouts, and props that were effective and appropriate to educate on her topic. Ana has special enthusiasm about her work and the contribution she makes with her audiences and clients." Connie Kadansky, MCC

"Ana's presentations allow the audience to jump into her brain and experience not only real learning but how to execute what she has presented" CB Bowman, MBA, BCC, CMC, MCEC

"Dr. Melikian’s professionalism and animated presentations are an excellent means for the assimilation of concepts." Teresa García Sánchez, Founder of the Instituto Erickson Madrid, Spain

Feel free to connect with Ana for speaking engagements at: https://anamelikian.com/speaking/

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Janice Perkins, MBA in the Leadership Warrior who liberates infinite capacity for individuals, teams, and organizations.

She created the firm Capacity where she consults, coaches, and speaks to corporations and non-profits. She has spoken at international conferences on marketing, brand development, leadership, and culture including the Women’s Fair and for the Non-Profit Chamber of Commerce. She created Capacity Communications to examine individual levels of growth within organizations to find opportunities to boost productivity and profits through increasing individual capacity in our character.

Janice is a subject matter expert in the Association of Corporate Executive Coaches (ACEC). She is certified in the Process Communication Model and Kansas Leadership Center’s Teach Leadership Intensive. Janice is active in business development and connecting for Marshall Goldsmith’s Methods of Leaders, which is a global project started as a way to make the knowledge of the world’s most influential business thinkers from the MG 100 Coaches accessible for current and future leaders around the world. Janice can be reached at [email protected]

Janice's Client Example:

A client was having difficulty with a particular department. There was toxicity and a lack of positive productivity.

"I introduced assessments to help identify the unique differences between each individual. The results were used to understand how those differences could positively or negatively affect the team, the company, and its clients. Next, intervention sessions were conducted with the group regarding the effects of behavioral dynamics as related to team interaction. We additionally explored the emotional maturity and responsibility of each person’s involvement --- at the same time, weekly coaching sessions were held with the supervisor regarding more effective ways to de-escalate conflicts. Additionally, we used experience-based learning to understand the dynamics of their work environment. Following this, we applied tools from the workshop to see new and more effective outcomes. They were able to see the power of managing personal behaviors for positive results for the team and their clients.

Within three months, the positive differences were noticeable throughout the organization including the C-Suite. Members of the team reported more contentment, job satisfaction, clearer communication, and exceptional teamwork. A great sidebar of my work with the company was that a “problem employee” was revealed. Having been identified, the employee decided to leave the organization."

Feel free to connect with Janice for training and facilitation: https://www.ihavecapacity.com/

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CB Bowman-Ottomanelli, MBA, MCEC, BCC, CMC is the CEO of the Women's Power Pac group and host of the podcast and Videocast "Courage: To Leap & Lead" ??,” (formally CB LIVE! Challenges of the C-Suite) which is listened to by thousands of professionals and executives seeking techniques to implement courage. She is also the founder and CEO of the Association of Corporate Executive Coaches (ACEC), a private group of global master-level Corporate Executive Coaches.

CB’s keynote, "The Courage to Leap and Lead” identifies the parameters for success in leaping first then figuring out where you are going to land through “Simple Solutions to Complex Problems?”

Working with organizational leaders, and decision-makers, CB supports breakthroughs allowing for creativity to replace fear. She helps her clients master the art of growth and success through courage.

Named one of the Power List of the Top 200 Biggest Voices in Leadership in 2022 by Leadershum; Top 50 coaches in the world by Thinkers50; Global Gurus also named her as one of the top 15 experts in branding and ranked by Marshall Goldsmith Top Global Coaches as the #1 coach for increasing the quality of coaching. Member MG100. CB can be reached at [email protected].

CB's Client Example:

"Courage is simply a decision to act or not to act regardless of your support system" This support system includes the naysayer part of the brain that prohibits or limits your thinking to expand or try something new.?

Not all of us experience the negative conversation of "I can't" in our brain, but we all experience that fog that prevents us from being courageous to try something alien to us.??

A great example is a client that I work with who is a relatively new solopreneur, with a power-packed background of success. He recently obtained a new client doing a book launch. Knowing he was looking for ways to grow his business, I suggested that he add a service for book re-launches, given that even successful books only stay at the top of the best-seller list for a short period of time. This was a "simple solution to a complex problem" that built on his existing strength while adding a revenue line.?

By the way, this was not the only innovative idea he is using as a result of working with my firm. However, he is now faced with mustering more courage --- to hire an assistant --- due to an increased volume of work... a wonderful courage challenge to have!

Courage comes in identifying "simple solutions to complex problems?" or learning to "Leap first and then figure out where you will land?"!

Do you want to build your possibilities??Contact the Courage Consultant for speaking engagements and training/ facilitation programs regarding implementing courage inyour organization: https://courage-consultant.com/

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Howard J. Morgan, MBA As an executive coach, Howard J. Morgan has led major organizational change initiatives in partnership with top leaders and executives at numerous international organizations.

He was named as one of the world’s Top 50 Coaches, recognized as one of five coaches with "a proven track record of success," and has published several books. His clients include global businesses in Financial Services, Manufacturing, Management Consulting, Communication, Howard is the Managing Director of the Leadership Research Institute and co-founder of 50 Top Coaches. He specializes in executive coaching as a strategic change management tool leading to improved customer-employee satisfaction and overall corporate performance. He has led the development of an internal coaching model for large international organizations and has done significant work coaching executives in the art of managing managers. He has worked with many executive committees of the world's largest organizations on improving corporate and executive performance.

He currently serves on three Boards of Directors, located in Europe and the U.S. He is also committed to adding value back to the community through his volunteer efforts in the healthcare sector media, and tech industries. Howard can be reached at [email protected]

Howard's Client Example:

Howard is Managing Director and founding partner for Leadership Research Institute (LRI). LRI announces the inaugural event for their “Women’s Leadership Circle of Honor” award in conjunction with International Women’s Day. The annual award recognizes the contributions and impact of individuals who have advanced the value and impact of women in leadership. This is done through demonstrating the courage to increase exposure and support in the business world, in addition to other areas.

The award also looks at qualities such as commitment to advancing the roles for women in leadership and recognizing their unique attributes and contributions.

This award is created to be given to individuals in organizations who demonstrate courageousness in valuing a diverse workplace and recognizing how the results influence the world.

Feel free to learn more about the Leadership Research Institute by visiting: https://www.lri.com/

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I would love to hear about your COURAGE!

Will you take the 30-day COURAGE CHALLENGE? Share your courageous act and I will feature it on my LinkedIn post. Click here to answer our challenge https://bit.ly/3opBOJB

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#courage #podcastinteriew #executivecoach #CB #keynotespeaker #CourageConsultant

Janice Perkins - Executive Coach

#1 Thought Leader that helps executives & teams see and remove obstacles they can't see | Fractional Chief People Officer | Executive Coach | Keynote Speaker | Leadership Consultant | Author | Board Member | 100 Coaches

3 年

CB Bowman-Ottomanelli (Keynote Speaker, Consultant) it is an honor to be recognized with you and so many powerful and influential women celebrating International Women's Day. Izabela Lundberg, M.S. Ana Melikian, PhD Libba Pinchot, PhD Howard Morgan

Caroline Boyce

Southeast Community Director @ CFO Leadership Council | Membership Development

3 年

Thank you CB Bowman-Ottomanelli (Keynote Speaker, Consultant) for this fantastic newsletter!

Izabela Lundberg, M.S.

Resilience, Result & ROI Momentum Champion ? Strategic Advisor To Billion Dollar Brands ? Top 40 Global Thought Leader ? TEDx Speaker ? #1 Best-Selling Author "From Fear To Greatness" ? Forbes ???????

3 年

Dear CB Bowman-Ottomanelli (Keynote Speaker, Consultant), thank you for featuring and in your newsletter amongst other exceptional leaders.

Ana Melikian, PhD

AI Without Burnout | Mindset Optimization Strategist, Public Speaker, Top 1% Podcast Host & Amazon Best Selling Author of MINDSET ZONE

3 年

Thank you so much CB Bowman-Ottomanelli (Keynote Speaker, Consultant) for your amazing newsletter. So honor to be featured on it!


CB Bowman-Ottomanelli Courageous Leadership EXPERT / CEO ACEC的更多文章

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