Celebrating Authenticity: The Courage and Costs of Being Authentic ??

Celebrating Authenticity: The Courage and Costs of Being Authentic ??

Many of us see authenticity as a virtue—something to aspire to in our daily lives. Yet, it's important to remember that living authentically comes with its own challenges. I recently had an eye-opening experience while working with Niclas, a professional fighter, during one of my "Find My Purpose" sessions.

Niclas and the Bruises of Authenticity ??

Niclas is a professional fighter in the big leagues. He fights in One Championship, in arenas with thousands of spectators, and millions of pay-per-view viewers. He fights against the very best in the world.

He is no stranger to bumps and bruises; they are the ink with which his story is written. His physician knows him well—perhaps too well. After a particularly grueling match, Niclas decided to get a brain scan, wanting to be certain that he had no underlying neurological damage. It was here that he found himself in a moral boxing ring, so to speak.

The Doctor's Dilemma ??

His doctor, looking at the referral he was about to fill out and then back at him, posed a straightforward question: "Why don't you just quit? It's too dangerous." Niclas responded, "It's my passion." The doctor, unconvinced, persisted, "It's still too risky." Niclas looked the doctor in the eye and replied, "This is my purpose. This is how I show my children that they can accomplish anything they work hard for.”

Conforming vs. Being Authentic: A Social Paradox ??

There was a moment of silence; the doctor still looking at Niclas. Then Niclas posed a rhetorical question: "If I quit, come back in a year depressed, and overweight, you'd treat me for those symptoms without question, wouldn't you?"

And there lies the paradox. Society often has an easier time accepting those who conform and struggle than those who live authentically and face unique challenges. If Niclas had conformed to what was expected of him—safe, traditional employment, for instance—he'd be treated with less skepticism, even if that led him to depression or other health issues.

What We Can Learn from Niclas's Authenticity ??

As authentic leaders and individuals, we must recognize that our path may not always be met with understanding or approval. That's okay. Sometimes, the bruises we sustain while living our truth are badges of our commitment to our authentic selves. The real win is staying true to who we are and what we feel is our purpose, even if it doesn't fit neatly into society's conventional boxes.

Authenticity might come at a cost, but the price of living inauthentically could be even higher. So let's value and encourage the Niclases of the world who remind us that the path less traveled, though fraught with its own challenges, is also where we find our true selves.

Tangible Tip: Understanding the Price of Authenticity ??

Consider the areas in your life where you're making sacrifices to fit into a mold that doesn't really suit you. Ask yourself, "Am I making this choice because it aligns with my authentic self or because it's what's expected of me?" Remember, each choice brings its own set of challenges, but only one will be true to who you are.


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