Celebrating Angelino Ermini's Retirement.

Celebrating Angelino Ermini's Retirement.

We want to dedicate this article to a cornerstone of EMEC: Angelino Ermini. Angelino was born and raised in Rieti by a father from Rieti and a mother from Abruzzo. He joined EMEC in 1982, the year of its founding, after previous work experience at a well-known competitor along with the founders Maurizio Mancini and Claudio Ciogli. Angelino started as an electronics technician, but as we know, in small companies that are not yet fully structured, versatile figures are needed.

Over time, he expanded his role significantly, moving from the purchasing department to safety, from quality to support, then to personnel selection, and finally to sales and training. Many of the roles we see today at EMEC are the legacy of Angelino Ermini’s work. In the late 90s, a change occurred that he describes as “a great gamble”: following some issues in the commercial department, Angelino left support to take the reins of sales.

The transition from one role to another was not simple. “The technician and the salesperson have a completely different approach with the customer. The technician always doubts whether a product will work or not. The salesperson must not have this doubt and must be skilled in reassuring the customer that, in case of problems, there will always be someone to solve them.” The role of a salesperson requires “that drive and ambition that go beyond the resume and practical skills, such as languages, which can always be learned later. What is essential is the right attitude, curiosity, the desire to see beyond, and the ability to listen.”

Angelino dedicated much of his time to the commercial unit, focusing mainly on the most important clients, and he integrated his work with the training of new hires and various stakeholders. His role over time, now detached from the routine tasks for which the company is already structured, had become more of a job where “people call me to know something beyond the ordinary.” He always worked closely with management, striving to design a long-term vision and strategically plan EMEC’s future. “The company is made of ideas. If there are no ideas, everything stops.” In an old interview, he told us: “As an athlete, I feel that even though the company has grown a lot, we must not lose the concept of teamwork but rather maintain the group spirit and work in unison. If the team wins, we all win."

Today, with great emotion, we bid farewell to Angelino Ermini, who has deservedly retired. His career and contributions to EMEC will forever remain etched in the history of our company. We wish Angelino a well-deserved rest and many new adventures in this new phase of his life. Thank you, Angelino, for everything you have done for us.

Piero Gregorio

Area Manager Settore Piscine Led Italy Srl

7 个月

Ciao Angelino , mi fa davvero piacere mandarti un saluto in questa situazione che non è un traguardo ma un nuovo punto di partenza della tua vita. Una persona dalla rara competenza che nel nostro mondo della piscina, spesso è assente. Grazie per la tua infinita gentilezza e disponibilità. Un abbraccio e buona continuazione

Massimo Fava

Consulente libero professionista

7 个月

Grande Angelino!! Buon viaggio!!!

Massimiliano Daini

direttore commerciale presso MICRODOS e Country Manager presso VERDER ITALY

7 个月

Complimenti per la tua riconosciuta professionalità e serietà. Buonissima vita

Domenico Musarra

Responsabile Commerciale Italia presso Etatron DS

7 个月

Complimenti Angelino, siamo sempre stati in aziende concorrenti ma tanto rispetto e tanta stima per la tua serietà, un caro abbraccio e ora goditi il tuo futuro.

Simone Rasia

Impiegato tecnico

7 个月

Sicuramente mancherai a tutto il settore Angelino! Lasci al comparto intero una eredità di competenza, preparazione e intraprendenza. Ricordo con piacere e gratitudine i vari incontri formativi a cui ho avuto la fortuna di assistere, gli scambi di opinione, sempre schietti, il tuo sorriso sornione e acuto e un'ottima cena - qualche decade fa- in quel di Rieti. Ti auguro il meglio per la tua meritata pensione! Con stima e affetto. Simone




