Celebrating All That We Love
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
Life is not a Problem to be Solved but a Reality to be Experienced
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Soren Kierkegaard
Valentine’s Day is without a doubt one of my favorite days of the year.
On this day so many things come together ..
My grandmother’s birthday
?…an individual that gave Agency to all of my Dreams when no one else thought they were real.
This type of Significant Energy is what this day is all about.
More than about self-centered love
…..Yah – Hearts & Flowers are but the surface
For me…this day has always been about Inspirational Love
The many people that you have constructed in your reality to reflect the very essence of who you are
…Today is surely not about ourselves, but about every individual that adds to the Quality of your Life.
This Day of Love is about all the Five Loves that makes the world go round
Approaching this with a sense of gratitude only heightens the awareness of how each are a significant piece in the matrix that creates Kierkegaard’s Beautiful Life
Appreciation for the many that surround us
..that unfortunately sometimes we forget how special they are in the many silent ways they give themselves to us each day
…especially in this most undependable world these are trusted souls we can count on all the time
This dedication is what Love is all about
St Paul’s often read at weddings passage from Corinthians is a statement of the Integrity of Love’s Virtue
All too many focus on the Patient and Kind aspect and the end of the chapter in which Paul proclaims Faith, Hope and Charity are the fruits of the Spirit
….Not me…as I’m practical in what is the essential tool here
Love rejoices in what is True and Good …..
..this dynamic force is the Relational Bond with your wife, children, family members, community and those you work with each day.
…..St Paul says…In Corinthians 13:7 ….
?These are the frontline people that “got you back”
As the verse states
These people that love You….Yes- You ?
Always Protect You
Always Trust in You
Always Hope the Best for You
Never Give Up on You
More than the commercialized Valentine’s temporary emotional moment that provide some instant gratification rush ….Enjoy the fleeting experience
This is what this day is more truly about….
The Joyful Celebration of All the Good that surrounds you every day
Today is a great time to thank lots of people in your life
It’s funny in all my coaching/training with so many different companies.
…more than calling them Teams
?…..my term was always Family
….the name Store Family kind of stuck after one of my clients in a Fortune 100 became the #1 Store of a nine hundred location corporation
It was this Pauline Dedication that made then such Stand Outs
Family expressed a deeper vested interest
In my book Ultimate Inspiration -Power of Positive You
This winning strategy became what I called ?
…The Investment Relational Dynamics
If we want to create this high performance/quality life then we must contribute to that feeling investment of this best portion of ourselves
This sincere passion is the expression of your unique gift that authenticates you to each experience you construct on the journey of crafting this Beautiful Life.
The Ancient Greeks in configuring this Cosmology of Love actually placed Romantic/Carnal Love at the bottom of the stack
In writing Simple Energy- Living a Good & Vigorous Life
…..summarized it this theory
?…Simply as The Five C’s
Celestial Love- ??????????????????? Spiritual Dimension of Self
Compassionate Love- ?????? Communal / Relational Expression of Self
Collaborative Love- ?????????? Productive Energy of Collective Intelligence
Creative Love-???????????????????? Expressive Energy of Your Unique Essence
Carnal Love-???????????????????????? Self-Desire Driven Gratification
Herein is the Pantheon of Love in its fullest expression
…for many who read this a much large universe in what they ever thought love was all about.
So, if the objective today is to Celebrate Love
….By all means ….Celebrate All Five Loves today
Call, text, email…in-person
……tell your Constructed World how much you love them!
I’d first make a list and then get to it
?…for the day passes much too quickly
You will find once you’ve done this
…you will be doing this every year
As it expands the horizons of your conscious awareness far beyond the small selfish world of just yourself
In its giving …expressing of this deeper Investment Relational Energy there is much centering and healing
The entire experience is so therapeutic
…what I like about it most
…being such a New Hampshire Contrarian
….It’s so Counter Culture as it confronts this limited definition and gratification of the “Me Me Me Culture” with a level of true Inclusivism that you get to paint the picture that is unique and special to you.
We all talk a good game here about our sincere intentions of equity and equality.
Well today is the day
…that you can put quite literally put “pen to paper”
…making a difference in someone else’s life
Authentically Celebrating not your base desires
…but Inspirational Love’s lofty …grand vision of what the world can become
In this focusing beyond we grow to become
Back to Kierkegaard
What are -What we Are Becoming
So True Love is the Art of Becoming
…not who we want to be for just ourselves
…but just like my grandmother
…what we need to be for the many others in our lives
So…get to
…make your list
You will find as the sun sets today
…a flowering of all the love that is in your life
Here’s To Celebrating All That We Love
Luv You Too