Celebrating 5 years in business
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Cultural training | Diversity & Inclusion | Author of "Did You Get the Point?"/ "Forstod du, hvad de sagde?" | Ph.D.
August 20, 2018 marked the five-year anniversary of ConnectingCultures. During the last 5 years, it has been an exciting journey watching my business grow from a one-woman business to a consultancy firm with 3 Principal Consultants & 21 country and culture specialists. And doing what I love most: helping clients worldwide to optimize their communication and collaborations across cultures.
It’s safe to say that today’s businesses are run in a world, where multiculturalism and globalization is a reality. Navigating successfully across cultures, is still one of the biggest challenges for organizations and employees at all levels. For example, a recent international study showed that 90% of executives from 68 countries cite ‘cross-cultural management’ as their top challenge in working across borders.
Knowing for a fact that multicultural teams have the potential to outperform mono-cultural teams, if both managers and employees acknowledge and support cultural differences, emphasizes the importance of addressing cross-cultural issues instead of turning a blind eye to it. As the saying goes: Better late, than never!
So, here’s to the next 5 years working with multiculturalism, virtual communication and global leadership!
Read more about our story, team and services on:
Read more about our story, team and services on:https://connectingcultures.dk/om-os/our-story/
#5yearanniversary #ConnectingCultures
Managing Director | Transformation Strategist | Leadership Consultant
6 年I know what it takes. Great work!
Jeg hj?lper virksomheder og organisationer med at forst?rke ESG-kommunikation og -strategi ved at krydse v?rkt?jer fra kunst, kommunikation og branding. Hvordan ser billedet af jeres strategiske landskab ud?
6 年Og et stort tilykke herfra???
Professional Photographer & Cinematographer
6 年K?mpe tillykke og sejt g?et ??
Career Development and Talent Acquisition Specialist
6 年Tillykke til dig og Connecting Cultures