Celebrating 5 years... April 1st Event...
Maya's Friends 2012-2013...
As we @ MAYA’S FRIENDS celebrates our 5th year anniversary ON APRIL 1, 2017, I like to thank first God for giving us the strength, will and determinations to continue and the best is yet to come so be patient and hold on my friends. I like to thanks all my friends for the dedication and commitments they display, for the love that created a better understanding of who we are as human and as individuals and as a team. I like to thank the Parents without the understanding and encouragements our work would have been very limited, I like to thank all the People in Governments, Organizations, Businesses, and Labor Movements who were backing the Act of Kindness without any hesitations and paving the way for us to have a great success in accomplishing our Mission, I like also to thank the people of Windsor- Essex individually one at a time to come to our events and show your support and unconditional love to your fellow men.
April 1st , 2017 will mark our 5 years of hard work in supporting local charities, making awareness and enhancing the life of others, It marks 5 years of fighting for social and economical justice. Those years were not easy however we managed to take a high stage in the International Fight Against Poverty, and we took a stand of Leadership to show that no matter what your age is you can make the differences and build a positive impact on the communities around you. You as a human you can empower others and the room to learning is limited by the skies and we can be the stars that shine.
On April 1st ,2017 , I will be honored by the Lebanese Community in Windsor-Essex , As The Lebanese Centre of Bachir Gemayel will presents Leadership Recognition Award to honor our accomplishments. A Dinner, Cash Bar, Music and Entertainments AND a 30 minutes video will be held at St. Charbel Parish – Cardinal Sfeir Hall, located at 5700 Outer Drive, Windsor Ontario. To reserve please contact: Paula at (519) 589-1097, or Mary at (519)996-1383. This is a fundraising event and $15 from every ticket sold will be directed 100% to charities. I hope to see all the Lebanese diversified community in this event.