Celebrating 300 with 100 dreams
The Best of Both Worlds podcast has reached quite a milestone:?This week we published our 300th episode. It is fun to see how this show has grown.
This episode takes a very small look backward, at some episodes that people found particularly useful. Then we decided to look at life in general through the List of 100 Dreams lens. What have we done in the last 6 years or so from our Lists of 100 Dreams? What do we hope to do in the next 6 years?
One big goal: We’d like to keep the podcast going! To that end, if you enjoy the show, you could help us celebrate by doing one (or more than one?) of the following things.
First, you could?join our Patreon community!?We have great discussions about work/life topics, with a focus on being helpful that is hard to find elsewhere. We’ve recently had threads about how to job search while pregnant and whether to take a job where you might be the only remote employee.
Second, you could leave us a rating/review. If you listen on Apple podcasts on your phone, go to the show page, and then scroll down past recent episodes. You’ll see a section called “Ratings & Reviews.” In exactly 2 seconds you could tap 5 stars to rate us. If you’d like to review us, that would be amazing. You could just write two sentences. Think something like “I love this show because of [X, Y, Z]. I’d recommend it to anyone who [suggest a target audience].” Then submit!
Third, you could tell a friend, colleague, or neighbor! We’ve grown primarily through word of mouth so far. Someone is looking for advice on navigating a career and family and a friend mentions us. You could be that helpful friend.
Please?give the episode a listen. Thanks for helping us get to 300. We’re excited about what’s to come.