Celebrating 2024 and looking ahead to 2025
McREL International
Helping educators flourish by turning research in to solutions that transform teaching, learning, and leading.
The end of the year often ushers in a daunting to-do list and a warp-speed pace of life. But as we find ourselves in the final days of the calendar year, we hope you have a holiday break filled with rest, rejuvenation, and time with family and loved ones.
In the next few weeks, you may also find time for a bit of professional celebration and reflection. This marks the mid-point of the current school year for the U.S. and Pacific region, and our partners in Australia, New Zealand, and other locations across the Southern Hemisphere are enjoying the end of their academic year. Congratulations! To support year-end reflections and perhaps help jumpstart new year’s resolutions, here’s a short list of some of our most popular resources for educators in 2024:
On behalf of everyone here at McREL, we wish you a peaceful end of the year and a joyful 2025.
This post originally appeared in our October 2024 McREL Monthly newsletter. Click here to sign up to receive McREL’s free monthly newsletter.