Celebrating a 15-yr. Stellar Beauty  milestone and community update

Celebrating a 15-yr. Stellar Beauty milestone and community update

Welcome to Stellar Style for the Singular Woman!

You are here because you are a one-of-a-kind style-conscious woman who wants to communicate your authenticity more fully, more confidently, and more outwardly in your clothes. You have carved your own path in the business world by not being a carbon copy of other women and don't care to have a wardrobe that copies standard business dress codes either.

Your success as a leader has your days filled with big, important tasks leaving just enough time (or maybe not enough) for your loved ones and even less time for you. Your wardrobe may be one of those, "I'll get by with what I have" things that you don't want to have to worry about.

But in spite of your time pressures, you put together a gorgeous stylish look every once in a while that energizes your confidence, grounds you powerfully inside yourself, and helps others see you in the light of your strengths. You know how awesome it feels to have a slam-dunk, "hot-damn, girl" look. You feel great and it shows. People want to hear what you have to say and they respond with good energy.

Whether your last slam-dunk look was ten, twenty, or two years ago, there was something you wore that connected you to your body and soul.

The Stellar Style for the Singular Woman newsletter helps you find the connection between who you are and what to wear so you can have slam dunk looks on a regular and joyful basis. It shares insights, tips, and teachings on developing a sensational style that is as authentic as you are. You'll also see separate more detailed Linked In posts on the topics I discuss hereafter each newsletter is published

This week, Stellar Beauty Style is celebrating a 15-year milestone of the inception of the Stellar Beauty Types that led to writing a book(published soon) and creating a new style system. These delicious types represent the full spectrum of female beauty and the ten years I took to develop them resulted in me finding MY OWN authentic style and refining my expertise as a personal stylist.

But, let's talk slam dunks... and why you're not getting them regularly. It's because your authentic style is the sum parts of who you are and you aren't simple, you are wonderfully complex. It's much more than knowing the colors that look good on you, and to get to the signature level of style you need a language that describes you on a deeper level and leads you to the right fabrics, cuts, colors, and designs.

The challenge is finding the language that explains both. Take me for example...There are two parts of me that aren't happy if they don't get expressed in my clothes... the delicately feminine part (my Solar type) and the tough tomboy (my Mars type).

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The feminine in me applies artistry, joy, and lightness to everything she does and the other side is fierce, athletic, and bold with the truth. She's a madwoman on skis and strong on a road bike.

The clothes that were right for me needed to combine these particular types of feminine and masculine energies and I needed to feel this energy down to my core. My feminine Solar side needed to feel lightness and buoyancy so I discovered designs like this chiffon top I'm wearing that fluttered, flared, and wafted with lightness. I love designs with glittery touches too and I won’t wear anything that feels too heavy or doesn’t elevate my energy. BUT, there has to be an element of Mars edgy boldness in my outfit or it feels too Yin. BTW, I'm wearing chunky boots and jeans on my lower half!

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My Stellar types explained my deeper emotional and energetic complexities and the contrast of yin and yang in me going back to when I was a kid. In the third grade, I was already putting together one-of-a-kind fully-accessorized outfits and once went to school wearing my fanciest red velvet dress with my long hair in an updo that looked more like a bird's nest plastered together with bobby pins and Aquanet. (One of my many fashion experiments)! But I also felt at home backpacking in the Rockies wearing the same pair of pants for a week. I loved rugged clothes for the outdoors and was obsessed for a while with western and native American styles. I intuitively knew I liked delicate and rugged pieces but didn't understand why or have the confidence to express them fully.

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I was confused about these parts of me for a long time and not just about what to wear. They puzzled my parents too and I was often told I was too sensitive AND too honest. So, I held myself back and felt embarrassed about having both a girly and bold side. My style was all over the place. I didn't know where I fit in.

The journey to clarity about my authentic style and the confidence to express myself fully happened when I embraced my yin/ yang qualities as my unique gifts and started putting together combinations that honored both sides of me. Every time I did it, I could look in the mirror and say, YES, THIS IS SO ME! The necklace combination you see is a good example of how I combine my two types.

When you can do this for yourself, you will get a slam dunk outfit every time. You will feel energized from the inside out. The journey begins with the discovery of your yin/ yang qualities and I have the perfect quiz for you to find out who you are: https://bit.ly/3cZPM1H

This quiz takes you through what your personality was like as a young girl and compares it to your present inner temperament. Maybe there is a part of you that has gone unexpressed since childhood and wants to come out! Then you will discover whether your physical qualities- your facial and body structure- are yin or yang. These inner and outer qualities will tell you where you fit on the scale from the most yin to the most yang.

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After you receive the answers to the quiz by email with a few outfit suggestions, then you are ready to distinguish the nuances of your energies and personalize your authentic style. There are four yins and four yangs in the Stellar Beauty Style system and, like me, you are a combination of two. When you take the quiz, you also get a free 30-minute style chat with me and the Stellar Beauty checklist to learn your types.

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Are you ready to begin the journey of authentic style and have a wardrobe full of slam dunk outfits? Take the quiz here and then let's talk. https://bit.ly/3cZPM1H

You can also message me here or email me at [email protected] and I will happily respond.

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If you enjoyed this newsletter, please share it to your newsfeed using the share option below. Also, click the ?? on my profile to be notified of my new posts, and follow Linda Buckman #StellarBeautyStyle to see more of my content in your feed.

Linda Buckman

Style muse for C-suite women who want how they look to confidently express who they are. Wardrobe shopping and curation to boost your energy and efficiency, new style language, distinct outfit creation.

2 年

Carmen Carey

Karen Bannister CLC, AICI CIC

Luxury Image Consultant | Business Operations Strategist | Architect of Transformation | Lifestyle Designer

2 年


Piper Dominguez

Transformation Catalyst and Mindset Coach

2 年

Congratulations! What a beautiful achievement

Linda Buckman

Style muse for C-suite women who want how they look to confidently express who they are. Wardrobe shopping and curation to boost your energy and efficiency, new style language, distinct outfit creation.

2 年
Linda Buckman

Style muse for C-suite women who want how they look to confidently express who they are. Wardrobe shopping and curation to boost your energy and efficiency, new style language, distinct outfit creation.

2 年


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