Celebrating 10 years of the #iWill  movement: The Ernest Cook Trust

Celebrating 10 years of the #iWill movement: The Ernest Cook Trust

Ten years ago, His Majesty the King founded the #iWill Movement after an independent review into how different sectors could help more young people to make a positive difference to the issues that matter to them.

This #iWill Week, we’re spotlighting the amazing Match-Funders to benefit from the #iWill Fund – our £66 million joint with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) – and the high-quality Youth Social Action opportunities they provide.

The #iWill Fund supports the broader #iWill movement – a collaboration of over 1000 cross-sector organisations and over 300 young people who are united by a shared belief that all children and young people should be supported and empowered to make a positive difference on the issues that affect their lives, their communities, and broader society.

Over the ten years of the #iWill Movement, The Ernest Cook Trust is just one of many Match-Funders to benefit from the #iWill Fund.

Robyn Riddoch, Programme Manager at The Ernest Cook Trust, shares the organisation’s experience as an #iWill Match-Funder and their thoughts on youth social action, both now and into the future.

How has the #iWill Fund benefitted The Ernest Cook Trust?

“Being an #iWill match-funder enabled us to set up a Youth Advisory Board of young people aged 10-20 years old, who are instrumental in ensuring youth voice steers our programmes and plays a role in grant making processes.

“This youth-led approach has allowed young people to make considered evaluations of grant applications through the Green Influencers Scheme, providing them with opportunities for meaningful #YouthSocialAction. As a result, our Trustees are now confident in them to assess and recommend applications for delivery partners in their next round of #iWill match-funding!

“We have built partnerships with a huge range of organisations to create an extensive network of like-minded organisations in the sector, which strives for an environmentally-engaged society with increased connections to nature.”

What has been your biggest success as an #iWill Match-funder?

“Our match-funded programme, the Green Influencers Scheme, has hugely exceeded its target – we support more than 7,000 young people and 36,000 community members (families, peers and local residents).

?“In addition, our initial impact data shows that 77% of young people had never taken part in youth social action before and 30% of young people came from the top 10% of deprived areas in the country.”

A shed painted blue with rainbow designs. 'Growing Hope' is written across the shed.
The Ernest Cook Trust

Where do you see the future of youth social action going?

“It really feels like now is the time for organisations to realise that meaningful youth decision-making at a strategic level is key. The future of youth social action is that young people’s participation in high-level decision-making will become standard practice across all social sectors.

“In addition to this, organisations will have a greater understanding of meaningful youth-led work. For the environment and education sectors this will mean young people having a direct impact on decision making that affects them and their future.”

Feel inspired by #iWillWeek2023 to join the movement? You can make a positive difference on the issues that affect young people’s lives, communities and wider society. Whatever your age and experience, sign up to become an #iWill Champion or Adult Support here.

?Could your project benefit from an #iwill Fund grant? Find the latest opportunities to apply for #iwill funding from?our amazing Match Funders here.




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