Celebrate Your Victories To Prevent Burnout
Several years ago I was working for a large, multi-site non-profit community services organization. We offered a variety of services for a community that had a variety of needs (new immigrants, low income, single parent homes, you name it, this community has it.)
The organization was funded by a variety of government and charitable agencies, and we were able to string together those funds to provide the services to thousands of community members.
A couple services that I'm particularly proud of were a food bank and a furniture bank. Whether you're getting back on your feet, or your income doesn't allow you to properly furnish your home, it was rewarding that our organization helped match people with needed food and furnishings.
A challenge we had was with rental trucks to pick up and deliver food and furniture. We had to rent trucks at least 2 times per week, to pick up food donations and furniture. These trucks would frequently break down (not going to mention the name of the rental truck organization, but they're well known.)
Through collaboration and the hard work of one of our directors, the organization was able to secure donations from the United Way and the City of Toronto to purchase a gently-used delivery truck. The director that was able to negotiate the funding found a truck in Kentucky. So her husband and her went on a little vacation, and drove back the truck to Toronto.
This was HUGE for the organization. Owning our own truck immediately allowed for daily pick ups of food donations and increased furniture bank activities.
I remember the meeting where we announced the new truck funding.
The celebration lasted 30 seconds.
Organizations, and all of us, do not take enough time to celebrate our wins. We move on to the next challenge. No wonder we burn out and create our own year of worst-case scenarios.
I'm a big fan of journals. I've documented my daily activities for a long time, as it helps me keep track of my accomplishments, as well as track busy seasons and when I'm doing too much #AvoidBurnout.
While writing in your journal full time might not be right for you at this point, my hope is that at least you will start documenting your victories.
To help you with this, I've created a one-page sheet for you to write down your daily victories. If that's too much, at minimum write down your weekly wins. Keep these and look back at them on a monthly or quarterly basis. Then at the end of your year, look at everything you've accomplished. You'll be amazed.
Click here for the link to the free download of the Celebrate Your Wins Journal (no opt-in required)