Celebrate Simulation with President Ashley Franklin – November 2024
International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning
Advancing the Science of Healthcare Simulation
Every month, I will be reflecting on discoveries, forecasting creations, and honoring leaders in the field.
INACSL Insider Info:
Welcome to November! As you know, membership renewal season kicked off last month, so be sure to keep an eye on your inbox for renewal messages to stay connected with INACSL. INACSL membership offers exclusive benefits, including discounts on educational offerings, products, membership to affiliate organizations, and more! If your organization employs four or more simulationists, consider an Institutional Membership for even more savings.
INACSL proudly welcomes simulationists from nursing and allied health professions whose skills, expertise, knowledge, and experience advances high-quality simulation practices and improve patient outcomes. Renew your membership today – or join us and take advantage of al the benefits INACSL has to offer!
The Nominations & Elections Committee, led by Chelsea Lebo, MSN Ed., RN, MEDSURG-BC, CNE, CHSE-A , is hard at work! The call for nominations for elected leadership positions is now open. Each year, we invite nominations for roles on the Board of Directors (2 vacancies, 2-year terms) and the President-Elect (1 vacancy, 3-year term) position. This year, we’re also seeking candidates for Treasurer-Secretary (1 vacancy, 2-year term) and two positions on the Nominations & Elections Committee (2-year terms). Nominations are due by Monday, November 18. Check your email for eligibility criteria and a link to submit your nomination.
Our Research SIG is collecting data on how nurse educators use simulation to evaluate learner performance.
Did you know that the Research Committee hosts a year-long Fellowship aimed at advancing our members’ scholarship through individual and group mentoring? Fellowship applications will open in December 2024. Additional details are forthcoming.
Have you attended one of our virtual Fireside Chats? Hosted by the Membership Committee, the Fireside Chat Series features guests from INACSL’s committees, SIGs, and RIGs. Special thanks to our host Nicola Contreras DNP RN CHSE-A, and the Environmental Sustainability SIG for leading the October session. Stay tuned to INACSL’s Facebook page for announcements on upcoming Fireside Chat Series.
Interested in staying updated with INACSL Discussion Boards?? Our Discussion Boards cover key topics in Clinical Practice, Education, International Simulation, and Research. You can customize your preferences to receive notifications about new posts on the boards that interest you most. Just log in to the website and go to Members > My Profile > Settings > Forum Subscriptions. Use the dropdown menu under the Notification heading to select updates from one board or all four. Discussion Boards are a great way to connect with other INACSL members on topics that are important to you!
Honor our Leaders
Special thanks to Melinda Armstrong Pierce, who assumed the role of Accredited Provider Program Director in August 2024. Since then, she has worked diligently to complete INACSL’s reaccreditation application and self-study. As an accredited provider of CNE, granted by the American Nurses Credentialing Center, INACSL relies on the expertise of our dedicated Nurse Planners to support our year-round educational offerings.? Our gratitude goes out to our Nurse Planners: Melody A. Seitz , Jeanne Carey , Patty Fitzgerald, Nancy Mai, Frances Stueben , Suzanne Wurster , and Donna Badowski .
Celebrations never seem to be out of style!