Celebrate the Red, White, and Blue in Grand County, Colorado
Mountain communities offer a weekend of parades, fireworks, and activities
GRANBY, Colo. (June 22, 2018)—The Fourth of July is a day when expressions of freedom take the form of parades, fireworks, outdoor eating, runs, and other fun activities. This Fourth, journey to the high country to celebrate the “grand old flag” in these Grand County locations.
11 a.m. Parade on Main Street.
11:45 a.m. Party in the Polhamus Park with games and vendors.
7 p.m. Rodeo at the Flying Heels Arena and performance by the Westernaires; fireworks follow immediately afterward.
2-5 p.m. Family fun celebration in the Town Square, with games for kids, cotton candy, free hot dogs, and more.
6-10 p.m. Fire Up the Cliffs, featuring a barbecue dinner, homemade pies, beer garden,
music, and a spectacular fireworks display off the top of the Kremmling cliffs.
Winter Park
9 a.m. Rendezvous Run for Independence, a 5K run/walk benefiting the Scott Hughes Foundation: The race starts at the Vintage Hotel near the ski resort, follows the Fraser River Trail, and finishes at the Rendezvous Pond with refreshments, awards, and prize drawings.
6-9 p.m. Lance Guterson’s Fourth of July Celebration at Rendezvous Event Center will include inflatables, face painters, carnival games, and other activities.
7-10 p.m. Live music by Judd Hoos, rock band.
10 p.m. Fireworks
Grand Lake
One of Colorado’s most extraordinary fireworks displays, the Grand Lake Fireworks Extravaganza, is the cherry on top of a day of celebration. Nestled between Rocky Mountain National Park and Grand Lake, Colorado's largest natural lake, the fireworks are reflected and magnified in the water, creating a spectacular show.