Celebrate the Holidays - in NY style!
Come to The Duplex Cabaret Theatre this Thursday, December 21, 7pm for our holiday performance of “Jazz In The City: The New York Connection”. It’s an awesome hour long tribute to NY. It’s perfect for this time of year. I know you would enjoy it and - it would be great to see you! Bring your friends!
Bistro Awards.com called our show, “Solid Entertainment” and Time Out choose us as their “Pick of the Week”. Here’s our latest review in Cabaret Scenes Magazine: https://cabaretscenes.org/2017/11/25/charles-r-hale-david-raleigh-jazz-in-the-city-the-new-york-connection/
Tix: www.purplepass.com/jazzinthecity
Happy Happy Hanukkah! Merry Merry Christmas!