Celebrate Every Win!
Hello, my good people,
We are officially in March and on course to close out quarter one of 2025.
Therefore, I thought about sharing my February wins with you.
2. Consistent workout: I showed up daily for 28 days of February to exercise and run every morning and tracked my workouts.
3. Eating healthy lunches: In February, I bought an insulated lunch bag and started carrying home cooked food to work for lunch and enjoyed my delicious meals on the go.
4. I started and completed my 18 days #MountainClimbersChallenge an exercise routine done at home to help me burn calories and cut belly fat.
5. My Food Passport: I completed writing, design and layout of my food passport, a custom food diary to help me track what, when and how much food I ate every day. My food passport is now available for pre-order.
6. My goal was to lose weight from 72.9 kg to 60 Kg by June 2025 and reduce my blood sugar level from 11.9 and maintain it at less than 5.7 by June 2025. Last Tuesday, my weight was 67.5 kg and sugar level 6.7. I am making progress every day.
A bonus FREE GIFT FOR YOU. Get a custom checklist to help you plan and organize your day.
So, those are my 6 wins for February.
And I am set for a winning March.
Let’s do this!