Celebrate with caution: COP28’s final deal

Celebrate with caution: COP28’s final deal

It’s been a tumultuous two weeks in the UAE. From the operationalization of the loss and damage fund on day one, to accusations that the COP Presidency would surreptitiously use the conference to secure further fossil fuel deals; we didn’t truly know what we were going to get from COP this year.


We knew that the Global Stocktake would offer a critical chance to reset, opening a window of opportunity to reestablish trust in the COP process by accelerating climate action and ambition through international cooperation and collaboration. This wouldn’t be with more words and pledges, but by taking action to reduce emissions, addressing loss and damage, and adopting the right policies to allow investments into green energy and the phase out of fossil fuels.


And whilst COP28’s final agreement text gives some cause to celebrate – a commitment to being led by science and the need to limit warming to 1.5C, tripling renewable energy capacity globally by 2030, and calling for a transition away from fossil fuels to achieve net zero by 2050 – there are also numerous loopholes that could potentially lead to a delay in climate action.


We must see the loopholes being closed, and this means States and corporates swiftly adopting the right rules – the right national climate laws, the right policies, and the right international law initiatives - to phase out fossil fuels, support the most vulnerable communities, and secure real-world progress.


It is the adoption of these rules that will allow for fiscal reforms and alignment of financial flows - to both support vulnerable communities, and to deliver on scaling up climate-neutral energy systems. These rules will enable an end to greenwashing and disinformation campaigns, as well as facilitate the adoption of ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions, led by science. And the right rules will put equity and environmental justice at the heart of the response to the climate and nature crises, such as advisory opinions, issued by international courts and tribunals, clarifying the obligations on States to address the climate crisis.


It’s these rules and laws that have an immense power to shape the world around us - from the way governments and businesses behave, to the systems of energy, transport and agriculture we all rely on. They offer a legal foundation to turn global promises into real, enforceable actions.


And although COP28 may be over, at ClientEarth, it doesn’t stop there. We will continue our work to strive for greater environmental justice; strengthening the law, litigating, and supporting local communities in using the law to defend their environment and their rights.

Raveendran Narayanan

Earth ?? Science ?? Conference Committee awarded certificate "AIR CONDITIONING THE MOTHER EARTH ??"(#ClimateThirdGroup)

10 个月

AIR CONDITIONING THE MOTHER EARTH ?? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/10/10/ipcc-demands-122-trillion-to-fight-the-global-war-on-weather/ #COP26 TEN DAYS CLIMATE CONFERENCE SITE, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND, WEATHER ????? https://raveendrannarayanandotcom1.wordpress.com/2020/04/21/air-conditioning-the-mother-earth-5/ AIR CONDITIONING THE MOTHER EARTH ?? WITHOUT A DOLLAR ?? (Climate Third Group by Raveendran Narayanan USA) https://acmotherearth.org ?? SCARING TACTICS BY UN CLIMATE GROUP https://images.app.goo.gl/NCJQQrDsXDvyBkjy6 Why Raveendran Narayanan USA is different from 31,847 Global Warming and Environmental Scientists ? https://joychenputhukulam.com/newsMore.php?newsId=37630 By Raveendran Narayanan #NotCO2AndGHG 3°C Temperature Reduction is possible by strictest Regulations and Enforcement. https://www.acmotherearth.blog During 2018, Earth ?? Science ?? Conference Committee, Zurich, Switzerland Awarded Certificate --->>>> AIR CONDITION THE MOTHER EARTH ?? (Climate Third Group) #CO2PlantFood #COP26 #IPCC #UNFCCC #UNEP #NOAA #NASA #WHO #IDA #IWA #COP28UAE #UNDOALOS https://idadesal.org/RaveendranNarayanan #EarthShotPrize2024 #UNEP2023Prize #UN2023GlobalCompact #NobelPeacePrize2024 ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ??

Tim Lowe

HSE Engineer at Dart Environmental

10 个月

“End the fossil fuel era” dangerous, provacative and physically impossible

Tim Lowe

HSE Engineer at Dart Environmental

10 个月

Need to put engineers next to you Laura to tell you how ridiculously difficult it is to engineer this utopia you are striving for really is - until that happens nothing will change. Client earths energy should be solution focussed rather than penalising the symptoms of humanity that needs to adjust to a different way of living.

Gus Schellekens

Sustainability and Climate Change Advisor, Leader and Mentor

10 个月

Good summary Laura - we also need to make sure that human behaviour (our natural tendency to defer, deflect, delay etc on targets that we have set ourselves) does not get in the way of real progress on implementation in the short term. See eg https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/scott42195_lets-look-at-the-latest-wording-from-petrostate-activity-7140600499145175040-NO1f?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Mike Thornton

Non-executive director. Finance, risk, climate change. Trusted strategic partner. Energetic, enthusiastic, driven.

10 个月

Given the need achieve consensus across 200 countries, the final text of COP28 UAE was always going to lack ambition and leadership.? ? That said, it has laid bare the divisions that need to be addressed and political pressure will continue to be exerted to address these, and to narrow the glaring gap between the science and political will. ? In the interim, governments, businesses, communities and individuals can, and should act, demonstrating leadership and 'lifting the bar' for future COPs.?There is a wealth of activity and momentum in this area, which continues to build.? ? ClientEarth and other legal teams have a huge role to play, in protecting environments, people’s health, and their human rights.?This global challenge needs coordinated global action and legal precedents will help to shape the required policy changes.? ?



