CEIPES presents its best practice during an engaging thematic webinar
On the 3rd of July 2023, CEIPES ETS participated in a webinar organized by the??European Network of Innovation for Inclusion.?
The webinar focused on various aspects of socio-labour inclusion and inclusive entrepreneurship, covering topics like gender, digitalization, and migrant integration.?
In the first part, innovative initiatives were presented, including Degree AMPLIFY by International Professionals Finland, Di4all by Ossiannilsson Quality in Open Online Learning (QOOL) Consultancy, DiversIT Charter by CEPIS, and RISE by Universal Interaction Foundation (UIF).?
CEIPES showcased its AMIF project?ENFEM – Female TCNs Integration in Local Communities through Employability and Entrepreneurship Local Oriented Strategies?(101038287-ENFEM-AMIF-2020-AG). The project provides training for migrant women in labor law, entrepreneurship and intercultural skills while raising awareness about the benefits of removing barriers to the inclusion of migrant women in the labor market.?
The second part of the webinar was an interactive workshop where participants discussed challenges related to socio-economic inclusion in different European countries, followed by one-to-one networking meetings.?
The webinar was a great opportunity for CEIPES to disseminate project results, gain insights from other organizations working on similar issues and exchange experiences.?
To know more about the progress of the #ENFEM project and its topics, follow the Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages and browse the website!?