Cebrate your little victories
Barbie Rivarola
B.A. in Education - University of Buenos Aires | Operations Manager at British Council
So it's Tuesday night, another day in this surreal, never-ending new reality in which I don't even leave the house and yet I find myself talking to people from all over the world. Crazy little routine, huh?. I find myself telling my students that my computer has become my literal window to the world, through which I meet new people, develop myself both professionally and personally, and often also entertain myself.
Regardless of considering myself a positive and optimistic person, usually upbeat and energetic, this harsh reality brings me down sometimes as well. I don't feel like I'm doing enough, or being the teacher my students need me to be. Fear of failure strikes hard, together with a sense of uncertainty about the future and a pinch of anxiety about other things that's actually hard to pinpoint where's coming from.
How do I fight it? The solution is simple: I take a mental note of all the things I did well today. Remember all the little victories. Sometimes it's necessary and it can totally change your perspective for the rest of the day. Here's a part of my list for today:
? changed my clothes and didn't work on my pj's (yay you!) ? that student who's struggling actually felt successful (good job!) ? had a complete class based on games that students designed (well done!) ? fixed my javascript code, it's working now. (you rock!) ? had real meals and not just coffee all day (yas queen!)
Was it a perfect day? hell no. But that doesn't mean that I shouldn't feel good anyways. How about you? What did you do well today? Let's beat negativity and celebrate eachother.