CDR=Carbon Dioxide Removal ... CO2 was a problem for climate ?
CO2 is a problem for climate ?
CO2 will be a climate problem ?

CDR=Carbon Dioxide Removal ... CO2 was a problem for climate ? CO2 is a problem for climate ? CO2 will be a climate problem ?

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  • To remove CO2 or not to remove CO2 from atmosphere ?

That is the CO2 question ?

  • CO2 was a problem for earth atmospheric climate ?
  • CO2 is a problem for earth atmospheric climate ?
  • CO2 will be a problem for earth atmospheric climate ?

Those are the CO2 questions ?

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  • The systematically declining CO2 climate sensitivity estimates went from more than +4°C per CO2 concentration doubling to less than +2°C per CO2 concentration doubling over the past 2 decades because satellite real temperature measurements over the past decades were not at all following the models-predicted average global temperatures ...

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  • Global cooling measurement results from modern satellite thermography, year by year now keep on contradicting the good old forester with his/her thermometer and especially contradicting the very much too simple average temperature (TMin+TMax)/2 calculus.

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This was pointed out by?William Ward?in his paper:?Violating Nyquist:??Another Source of Significant Error in the Instrumental Temperature Record??

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Average global temperature can toggle between +12°C like now and +22°C like 40 million year ago before we had pole ice caps on North Pole and South Pole.

This 12°C peak to peak temperature toggling did not prevent CO2 atmospheric concentration to move from 7000ppmV more than 500 million year ago down to 420ppmV now.

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  • Nature, in the long term 500 million year past, did a CDR of 7000ppmV minus 420ppmV =6580ppmV ...
  • Since the previous glacial, CO2 went back upward from 200ppmV to 280ppmV at the start of our interglacial ...

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Since the previous glacial, natural (bleu) temperature went up +8°C for a natural (green) CO2 step of 280ppmV-200ppmV =+80ppmV ...

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  • CO2 +80ppmV makes +8°C average temperature anomaly ?
  • Temperature +8°C anomaly makes +80ppmV extra CO2 ?

Anyway ...


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In climate science there are too many unanswered questions and too many unquestioned answers ...

But :

Health & Climate & Energy are really very complicated and delicate politico-scientific stuff and also socio-economic stuff but we do the best we can and try to explain it as simple as possible but not simpler than that in the group :

CCR="Climate Change Revival

One of the most expensive "what if"'s. How ironically stupid.


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