CDOs and CISOs Data Security Challenges

CDOs and CISOs Data Security Challenges

How Darkscope's AI powered cyber intelligence gathering service can reinforce and support their role mandates.

According to Wayne Sadin's article written on Acceleration Economy here, C-Level IT executives carry titles like CIO, CISO, CTO and CDO. Their primary concern centers around cybersecurity and data - critical roles in today's day and age.

Wayne notes how the CDO is focussed on how an organisation uses its data effectively, whereas the CISO is focussed on protecting that organisation's information and the technology associated with its protection.

Whether these roles are loaded onto one person, or spread across a department of professionals, the problem they face is allowing for the free flow of communication and ideas concerning their organisation's hard won information - without losing control of it.

Darkscope provides focussed information on threat indicators in real-time which can identify the risks which lead to new attacks, discovers existing breaches, finds stolen data and identifies new areas of risks as they develop.

In between the top priorities Wayne points to in his article about the importance of encryption, roll-based access, zero-trust security and data retention, lies the balancing act of 'risk management.' Both CISOs and CDOs face mounting pressure from inside and outside their organisations to address these things and Darkscope can mitigate a level of these expectations with its cybersecurity intelligence threat scanning in a number of ways.

Darkscope can reduce the time it takes to access threat surveillance data, provide detailed analysis of what data is at risk, where an attack is coming from, how staff members might be compromised and thus how the organisation's data is being used or misused.

If both CISOs and CIDOs had this layer of analytical, intelligent feedback, by which they can partner over to form good practices for their organisations, then risk management costs could be lowered while at the same time, company efficiencies could be raised. Probably CISOs and CDOs could find a little more breathing room in their schedules as well.



