CDI: Quick to Charge, fast to ignite
Pawandeep Singh
The brain of your two-wheeler is a seemingly-simple, yet indispensable box called the CDI unit. Very often little more than a diminutive black box, this device controls the complex operations of your vehicle and requires not only extreme precision, but high levels of robustness in its construction. This CDI, or the Capacitor Discharge Ignition unit is somewhat similar to a battery in that it can store energy for future use, but serves a special purpose through its ability to discharge energy instantly. It is this property that makes it ideal for ignition circuits, which it controls through a complex circuitry of capacitors, coils and a trigger mechanism. Not only can it fire the spark plugs at the optimum time intervals, but it can also control the performance, rev limit and other characteristics. Needless to say, an operation so essential and intricate needs immense accuracy and reliability for execution. That is made possible through Swiss Auto ES Group's unbeatable devotion to quality and durability, which makes its CDI units stand out from the competition and remain as a preferred choice for a wide range of automobiles.