CDC's Updated Links for Reopening in COVID 19 Environment

CDC's Updated Links for Reopening in COVID 19 Environment

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have issued guidance for a thoughtfully planned and executed reopening. The team at WorkMerk has broken down all the specific links within. Presented by industry, so your team does not need to hunt for information specific to your business or activity.

Main landing page:

Communities, Schools, Workplaces, and Events - Guidance for Where You Live, Work, Learn, Pray, and Play

Community Locations and Events:

Businesses and Workplaces - Plan, Prepare, and Respond

·       Workplaces Decision Tool

·       Restaurants and Bars Decision Tool

·       Cleaning and Disinfecting - Plan, Prepare, and Respond

·       Guidance on Preparing - Workplaces for COVID-19

Gatherings and Community Events - Plan, Prepare, and Respond

·       Get Your Mass Gatherings or Large Community Events Ready

·       Recommendations for Election Polling Locations

Community and Faith-Based Organizations - Plan, Prepare, and Respond

·       Interim Guidance for Administrators and Leaders of Community- and Faith-Based Organizations to Plan, Prepare, and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

·       Checklist for Community and Faith Leaders

·       Handout from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Parks and Recreational Facilities - Plan, Prepare, and Respond

·       Guidance for Administrators in Parks and Recreational Facilities

·       Visiting Parks and Recreational Facilities - Protect Yourself and Others from COVID-19

·       Considerations for Public Pools, Hot Tubs, and Water Playgrounds During COVID-19

Tribal Communities - Plan, Prepare, and Respond

·       Social Distancing for Tribal Communities with Local COVID-19 Transmission

·       Frequently Asked Questions: Funeral and Burial Services for American Indians and Alaska Natives

Education and Child Care:

Schools and Child Care Programs - Plan, Prepare, and Respond

·       Child Care Decision Tool

·       Youth Programs and Camps Decision Tool

·       Schools Decision Tool

Guidance for Child Care Programs that Remain Open

·       Talking with children about Coronavirus Disease 2019

·       Keeping Children Healthy While School’s Out

·       Healthy Hygiene Behaviors

Colleges and Universities - Plan, Prepare, and Respond

·       Interim Guidance for Administrators of US Institutions of Higher Education

·       Guidance for Institutions of Higher Education with Students Participating in International Travel or Study Abroad Programs

·       FAQs for Administrators

Shared Housing and Institutions:

Shared and Congregate Housing - Plan, Prepare, and Respond

·       COVID-19 Guidance for Shared or Congregate Housing - Administrators

·       Living in Shared Housing - Residents

?Resources to Support People Experiencing Homelessness - Plan, Prepare, and Respond

·       Interim Guidance on Unsheltered Homelessness and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for Homeless Service Providers and Local Officials

·       Interim Guidance for Homeless Service Providers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

·       Investigating and responding to COVID-19 cases at homeless service provider sites - Considerations for state and local health departments

·       Youth Experiencing Homelessness

·       Screening Clients at Homeless Shelters

·       Homelessness and COVID-19 FAQs

Public Services, First Responders and Infrastructure:

·       Mass Transit Decision Tool

·       First Responders and Law Enforcement - Plan, Prepare, and Respond

·       Interim Guidance for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems and 911 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) for COVID-19 in the United States

·       What Firefighters and EMS Providers Need to Know about COVID-19

·       What Law Enforcement Personnel Need to Know about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

·       FAQs for Law Enforcement Agencies and Personnel

·       FAQs for Wildland Firefighters

Other Important Resources:

·       Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2

·       Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools, and Homes

·       Implementing Safety Practices for Critical Infrastructure Workers Who May Have Had Exposure to a Person with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19

·       Healthcare Personnel and First Responders: How to Cope with Stress and Build Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic

·       What Workers and Employers Can Do to Manage Workplace Fatigue during COVID-19

·       Symptoms of Coronavirus and Self-Check Tool

·       Cases, Data, and Surveillance


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