C.D.C. Recommends Changes To Office Space
R. Craig Coppola
Experienced Commercial Real Estate Broker & Advisor, Co-Founder of CRE OneSource, Board Chair of Radius AI, Founder/Manager of Habanero Ventures & Investment Company
The C.D.C. sent out some “suggested†changes for office space users as we head back into the office. I wanted to take these suggestions and roll them into what we are seeing our clients do on a practical basis. Additionally, the Wall Street Journal has a nice article on what we know about getting infected.
You can read all the suggestions below, and potentially go crazy trying to do everything, or maybe just start with these:
–Daily temperature checks.
–Put some plastic shields in between your cubicles.
–Open windows (if you can—if it’s hot, open for an hour throughout the day).
–In any face-to-face meeting, meet in large spaces and space out and keep the meetings short.
–Don’t crowd any room. You want a lot of air and space.
–Take the stairs ALL the time.
This is not an exhaustive list but it’s a start.
Call me if you would like to kick around any of these ideas or would like some insight into the office changes we are seeing with our clients.
Click here for the full article.