CDC Ends Mask Mandate for Some Nursing Homes
Since early in the pandemic, masks have been required in nursing homes, hospitals, and other healthcare settings. However, that may be coming to an end per the?recent guidelines?set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC released guidance on September 23, 2022, stating counties that are considered within the moderate or low categories can choose to not require doctors, patients, and visitors to wear masks.
This guidance is for all healthcare settings including nursing homes, hospitals, and home health agencies. The guidance explained that “updates were made to reflect the high levels of vaccine-and infection-induced immunity and the availability of effective treatments and prevention tools.” Approximately a quarter of the counties in the United States fall into the moderate or low categories, while the rest still have high COVID-19 transmission levels.
While facemasks are not required in those specific counties, the CDC advises masking for any of the following circumstances:
The same day the CDC updated its masking guidance, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released two memos regarding?COVID-19 testing, and?visitation.
The key updates for testing are:
Regarding visitation, CMS eliminated the screening mandate for visitors. CMS stated that facilities should have guidance posted showing actions for visitors who tested positive for COVID-19 or have had close contact with someone with COVID-19.
For questions about the CDC guidance regarding facemask requirements or the CMS memos about testing and visitation, please contact your?Marcum advisor.
By?Yasmeen Elhaj, Supervisor, Advisory Services