CCO Created an A.I. Think Tank to Accelerate Innovation Development!
We've had incredible success working with 150+ customers on their A.I. initiatives, but two things were slowing us down: 1) was the (initial) immaturity of the A.I. technology, and 2) having enough people on our team with expertise in taking customer needs and develop end solutions with the tech advancements!
The first piece of A.I. tech improvements has been on a roar the past few months, with new updates and better functionality being added every 3-4 weeks. We're finally at the point where the technology has filled many of the gaps that our customers have struggled with over the past year in trying to get A.I. to "be better" at what we all wanted it to do. So now the tech is (for the most part) there.
That then led to the challenge of finding experts that know this brand new A.I. tech to supplement our existing consultants to help support dozens of our customers all wanting the latest and greatest A.I. solutions available. Fortunately at the same time I was looking for skilled resources, in various chats with parents/friends of mine, they were sharing how their kids were right out of college with a degree in A.I., machine learning, and data science but being passed over in hiring because they "lacked work experience."
On a whim, I grabbed a couple of these recent grads, gave them an 8-week summer internship, and it all came together!!!
Smart Grads Learn the Latest A.I. Tech QUICKLY
Since the latest A.I. technology JUST came out the past few weeks, no one has prior work experience on this stuff, and these right out of college students with degrees in computer science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are QUICK learners!
I've spent the past year sharing the step-by-step process of building out A.I. solutions for our customers, employees, and business partners, so we have a dozen custom configuration guides written up with documented tips, tricks, and best practices.
Between our written guides and the background knowledge these recent grads had, they figured out the background tech we're doing within a week!
Taking Business Uses Cases to the CCO A.I. Think Tank
Within the first 3 weeks of their summer internships, the new members of our A.I. Think Tank were taking real world customer use cases and generating code, data models, and end solutions for our customers in days...
As we opened up more slots to our A.I. Think Tank, we found more and more college grads lining up to join our team, get hands-on with the tech we were teaching them, and gaining real world hands-on experience interfacing with our seasoned Data and A.I. consultants, and working face to face with our clients!
Expanding A.I. Opportunities to Women and First Generation Graduates
As we expanded our A.I. Think Tank, we took the opportunity to pull in recent women graduates as well as graduates who are first generation in their family to have attended college to create job opportunities to qualified workers who may otherwise been overlooked in the growth opportunities in the tech industry around data and A.I.!
As I've shared in my writings in the past, A.I. is a technology that elevates individuals with multi-disciplinary skills. Success in A.I. requires someone who can "think outside the box," envision how needs can be solved by automation, integrate multiple technologies into a single solution, and have the ability to communicate with business leaders and technical developers to understand what they would like to do and then help them use A.I. to solve their business needs.
A.I. is not a tech just for techies, and CCO has opened the door for many who have previously been passed over in the tech industry, and we are benefiting from the diversity of skilled individuals working on our team!
What started as a search for skilled A.I. workers has turned into a career and experience development program that has enabled us to quickly provide the latest in data and A.I. solutions to our customers from a broad range of highly qualified next generation workers! Truly a win-win-win!
Exciting times at Convergent Computing with the launch of their A.I. Think Tank! By integrating fresh talent and cutting-edge technology, they’re accelerating innovation and making a real impact. At Softcrust, we appreciate the value of harnessing new ideas and diverse perspectives. Here’s to driving progress in A.I. and beyond! #Softcrust #AIMilestones #Innovation #TechTalent #FutureOfAI #TechIndustry
Your team continues to be a leading edge consultancy. Congratulations!