CCIE Wannabe
It’s easy to say “I want to be a CCIE!” It’s easy to order a bunch of textbooks from Amazon. It’s slightly more hassle to buy a few switches and routers. If you’ve got a solid CCNP-level of knowledge, and 5+ years experience, it’s relatively straightforward to pass the CCIE written exam.
But once you start to really knuckle down into the lab study, you find that’s it actually pretty tough, and there’s an enormous amount of work involved. Suddenly you realise that it’s a multi-year effort, and hey, no-one’s forcing you to do this. You get busy at work, or things happen in your life, and so you slack off your studies. Just for a few weeks, right? Next thing you’re looking at that dusty pile of books on the shelf, and thinking “I really must get back into CCIE study.” But you’ve become just another one of the vast majority of CCIE wannabes. Most people who start out with CCIE study never even book a lab, let alone get close to passing it.
Why is that? I submit that it is because the decision to start was undertaken lightly, without a full evaluation of the requirements, the commitment needed, and the consequences of doing it. Before starting, sit down and take a long hard look at it. Ask yourself Why? Why do you want to do this? What are your reasons for doing it? More money? Fame and glory? There’s probably easier ways to get that. Figure out why you want to become a CCIE.
Source: Unknown Author from internet