CCI Bars WhatsApp From Sharing Users' Data With Meta Companies For Advertising Purposes, Imposes Rs 213 Crore Penalty On Meta

CCI Bars WhatsApp From Sharing Users' Data With Meta Companies For Advertising Purposes, Imposes Rs 213 Crore Penalty On Meta

This relates to how WhatsApp's 2021 Privacy Policy was implemented and how user data was collected and shared with other Meta companies. The Commission also issued cease-and-desist directions and also directed Meta and WhatsApp to implement certain behavioural remedies within a defined timeline. Read More>>

Lawyers Can Appear Online, Says CJI Sanjiv Khanna Amidst Delhi's Severe Air Pollution

CJI Khanna however refused to give a definite statement that the functioning of the Courts would be only online, despite the requests made by Solicitor General of India Tushar Mehta and Senior Advocate Gopal Sankaranarayanan. Read More>>

Labour Court's Factual Finding Shouldn't Be Normally Disturbed By Writ Court Without Compelling Reason : Supreme Court

Observing that the factual findings of a Labour Court should not be normally disturbed by a Writ Court without a compelling reason, the Supreme Court ordered the reinstatement of an employee who had been terminated due to conflicts arising from his estranged marital relationship. Read More>>

Supreme Court To Hear Challenge To Constitutional Validity Of Rule Allowing Registrar To Refuse Property Registration In Tamil Nadu

Pursuant to a petition filed assailing a Sub-Registrar's refusal to register a sale deed, the Supreme Court is set to hear a challenge to the constitutional validity of Rule 55A(i) of the Tamil Nadu Registration Rules, which gives power to a Registrar to refuse registration of an immoveable property. Read More>>

Recording Evidence Mandatory In Disciplinary Proceedings Proposing To Impose Major Penalties: Supreme Court

The Supreme Court directed the reinstatement of a government employee whose termination was based on an inquiry report imposing a major penalty without adequately proving the charges. The court emphasized that the recording of evidence in a disciplinary proceeding proposing charges of a major punishment is mandatory. Read More>>



