CCC #8
We're here with another edition of Carefully Curated Content with three great articles to help you up your game...
Content Creation: Download a superb creative resource PDF from Recess
SEO: Local SEO, what is it & how to do it - easy to follow guide from SEMrush
Metrics: Comprehensive marketing measurement guide from DMA/JICMAIL
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#1: A real find (thanks Maisie!) for marketers who create content. You'll need to fill in your details but it's worth it for an enormous PDF of genuinely useful links/tips by top creators - all in a super easy to read format (starting at P8). ??
Endlessly interesting.
#2: If you have shops or offer services to particular locations, here's a nice and simple step-by-step guide showing how local SEO works and how to get started.
10 minute read.
#3: Whether you're a marketer looking for guidance on what to measure (and why), or a CMO looking for a framework to measure marketing against business objectives, this comprehensive 35 page report by the DMA and JICMAIL equips you.
Your details required for download FYI.
45 minute read.
Another week, another roundup of the best marketing content!
Fancy catching us live? Our very own Tom Maskill is hosting a seminar on marketing psychology at the marketingSHOWCASE events this year. Grab your FREE TICKETS here.
Catch you next time ????