CBT News 6/12/24 Newsletter

CBT News 6/12/24 Newsletter

Today's Top Retail Automotive Industry Story

The power of language: Understanding its impact on communication, persuasion, and decision-making Jonah Berger

The words we choose have the potential to shape the world around us. If we select words that are not just meaningful but also impactful, could we be more likely to achieve the outcomes we desire? Today on Inside Automotive, Jonah Berger, a Professor at the Wharton School and an internationally bestselling author, will unveil some intriguing concepts from his book ‘Magic Words: What to Say to Get Your Way.’?Watch the full segment here.

Melinda Zabritski reveals that the automotive finance market shows strength amid economic challenges

According to Experian, captives accounted for the largest new vehicle market share in the first quarter. Melinda Zabritski , Experian’s head of automotive financial insights, will join us on the latest edition of CBT Now to share more details of the State of the Automotive Finance Market Report for the first quarter. Watch the full segment here.

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