CBSE released the date sheet for class 10 12 board exam term 2

CBSE released the date sheet for class 10 12 board exam term 2

On March 11, CBSE has released the scheme for the conduct of the board's examination. It informed that board examination 2022 will be conducted in two terms. Term one exams have been already held and Term 2 will be held from April 26, 2022, at 10:30 am and it will not be conducted in two shifts. The board has now announced the date sheet for both classes 10th and 12th for term two. Details are also available at the official website of CBSE. read more?

More gap provided between the two exams

Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj, Controller of Examinations said that CBSE has given more gap between the two exams in all the subjects for class 10th and 12th as well because during the pandemic there had been a learning loss among students.?

"Wherever the gap is a little lesser, such examinations have been kept at a later date so that students can get sufficient time for the preparation of these examinations.''

Competitive exams like JEE-Main have been kept in mind while preparing the date sheet.?

35000 subject combinations have been avoided while preparing the date sheet so that no two subject examinations of a student fall on the same date.?


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