CBDCs Are a Dog Painted Blue
A recent post on Central Bank Digital Currencies came up in my feed. For what ever reason I read. In short I see #CBDCs as the #buzzword for banks rebranding for the growing #crypto conscious public. The following is my 2nd response to author of the post asking me what is freedom?
"Funny, I originally wanted to say economic sovereignty but I went with freedom thinking it would work easier.
I'm using the word freedom to mean the ability to choose when, where, and with whom you decide to engage in financial transactions (exchange of currency), while maintaining positive control and the option of enforcing privacy.
Yes, I know I pack a ton into 1 word.
You're right, bitcoin is not freedom it self. But it is a protocol that has the ability to be used as defined above. Sadly, I've been in the space long enough to know the vast majority of people care little to nothing of those values, when it comes to buying a product or service or just paying a bill.
The idea was never for it to be a one stop shop to freedom. The goal was for it to reduce the dependency on the human element (think back to 07-08 and happening when the BTC white paper came out). Open/public blockchains in the use of cryptocurrency were designed to get us away from what central banks were and still are doing.
Central banks (banks in general) aren't looking to give banked or unbanked folks that kind of freedom. #CBNDs are just a new buzzword traditional financial to stay relevant to the masses in face of the coming paradigm shift, IMO. I'll stop the ramble there.
One last thing as a caveat, you DON'T HAVE to buy Bitcoin or any other crypto for that matter. You can do just as we do with fiat. You can work for it."
The point is central banks are trying to sell the idea of a blue dog as being something other than being a dog. No disrespect to dogs, lol. The dog knows NO new tricks. It's just being painted to look different.
Here is the original post that produced this ramble. Feel free to correct me or add in something I missed. https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/carmellecadet_cbdcs-cryptography-tokenization-activity-6619007814339710976-HeTf
No disrespect to dogs!