CBD for Chiropractors: A Guideline for Rules, Products, and Benefits

CBD for Chiropractors: A Guideline for Rules, Products, and Benefits

For those dealing with chronic back, neck, or shoulder pain, finding a good chiropractor can be life-changing. But what is a chiropractor, and what sorts of pain-relieving therapies do they perform?

A chiropractor is a healthcare professional that specializes in spinal health. They perform manual spinal adjustments and use other therapies to treat, protect, and preserve the spine. Adjustments can help alleviate pain in the back, neck, shoulders, joints, head, and more. In essence, chiropractors aim to improve a patient’s quality of life without the use of invasive procedures or prescription medications.

CBD use as an alternative treatment to conventional medication is on the rise, and its pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties could suggest that it might go well with chiropractic care. So this begs the question: do chiropractors use CBD oil? Also, can chiropractors sell CBD products?



